Google’s DNS Celebrates a Milestone!

As somebody that was married on 8/8/88 – I like those kind of dates… so check this out!

Google’s Public DNS reaches its anniversary

The Inquirer – By: Chris Merriman – “The Google Public DNS service was launched in 2009 and allows users to route their internet traffic through its servers, using the IP address and thus avoiding their own ISP. It often makes for a faster service, and in some cases, can get people online when they otherwise could not.

On Sunday 12 August 2018 at 0130BST, the Public DNS celebrated eight years, eight months, eight days and eight hours online.

Google is very proud of this feat. It has been instrumental in some public censorship battles – for example when internet access was blocked in Turkey.

Elsewhere, developing countries are using it for all kinds of things, which is facilitating Google’s ‘next billion users’ initiative.

For the rest of us, its frequently used in free public WiFi spots, information terminals, and of course our own routers – not least of all Google WiFi which defaults to and its backup

If you’ve never tried it – find the setting in your router and add it in place of your ISPs numbers – you may find you get a significant speed boost and improved security.

Of course, putting all your data through Google’s services might feel like a nightmare to the more suspicious out there. Google has given full transparency in how it uses the telemetry and more importantly, how it doesn’t.

Other similar services exist such as the venerable OpenDNS, now owned by Cisco, and the recently launched Cloudflare option.

As one of the less publicised features of the Google empire, it’s surprising to even hear this being talked about, but in this case, there’s been a comment from Google. More is coming thanks to some ‘exciting Google Public DNS announcements in the near future.’

Comparing the Google service to some of its rivals, it’s quite clear that the possibilities for additional functionality such as parental locking and a premium service for businesses are quite possible. As long as the data it collects is done in a privacy-respecting way, we’re pretty cool with it. But that’s always an if.”

My View of Internet Censorship

No Censorship!How do you guys feel about censorship online? I’m a free-speech kind of guy! I don’t want anyone to be allowed to approve, or disapprove, of what I’m saying in my blog posts, on my show, or in anything that I write, or present. That’s just me! To me the right of free speech is a key to our personal freedoms in our representative Republic form of government.

And yes, you may note, that I said representative Republic, not Democracy! That is because, while we do have a democratic form of government in one sense, that is not the official form of government we have according to the Constitution of the United States. I’m just being technically correct here. The problem with a pure democracy, in which everyone gets a single vote, is that it can become, simply, mob rule. If you look around you, you will find, that there are a lot of people that have opinions, that do not have the brain cells to back up those opinions!

This is merely an observation! You may think what you will, and you may say what you will. That’s the beauty of free speech! But, this is a tech blog, not a political blog. So, it is not my intent to get into politics at all! What I want to talk about is: “What are we to think of the censorship that is being done on the Internet to all kinds of sources, whether they are politically left, or politically right?” Do you want to be the arbiter of what others see and are allowed to read? There are many that want to be just that for all of us! And therein lies the problem.

How are we to know, and trust, the self-appointed censors? The bottom line is, I don’t! I don’t want you censoring what I read, or what I watch, no matter who you are, and no matter what your credentials are! This is a really slippery slope. And, once we surrender this right to read, and to see, anything that we want to read or see, then we are in danger of entering into a totalitarian society.

You may not like what I like to watch. And, that’s your right! You may not like to read what I like to read. And, that is your right! Just don’t tell me what I am allowed to read, or to watch, on the Internet! That’s NOT your job! In fact, that’s not anyone’s job!

But, “Dr. Bill,” you might say, “what about hate speech?” Well, the problem is one person’s hate speech, is another person set of facts! The viewer, or the reader, should be the one to decide which category what they are viewing, or reading, is falling into. That’s the way it’s been with newspapers, books, magazines, and other sources for a long time, and it has worked out well up to now.

Remember those folks with only a few brain cells to rub together, that I mentioned earlier? What if those are the people that decide what you can read, and what you can see? You see the problem! The pursuit of knowledge and your personal intellectual, and social, development, should be up to you! It should not be the purview of anyone else to direct your attention to any form of information, whether it be political, social, or personal. And, this applies to technologies as well.

I don’t want anybody telling me to avoid Linux simply because it’s Linux, and not Windows! You know, that I like to spout off about Windows, and how it’s “evil,” even though I still use it! That’s just me. But I’m not telling you that you can’t use Windows. I’m just telling you that in my opinion, Microsoft is trying to have too much control over the operating system and their users. I know that, and I accept that it is true, and I still use Windows. And yes, I know that that’s a surprise to a lot of folks! But, I can use Windows and I can use Linux and I don’t see the problem with that! That’s my choice! If I want to point out how heavy-handed Microsoft is to my viewers, and listeners, and readers, then I should be able to do that freely! And, you should be able to absolutely disagree with my stand as a viewer, or a listener, or reader! I have the right to my opinion. You have the right to your opinion. But no one has the right to determine my opinion, or your opinion!

That’s really the point! So, am I a ardent supporter of “Infowars,” the website? That website, by the way, is the one that everyone seems to be “banning” these days. No, as matter of fact, I’m not! I don’t go to the website, I don’t read anything on that website, but does that website have the right to exist? Absolutely! That is really my point. Heavy-handed organizations, and companies, that censor the Internet are very troubling to me! I am not pro-hate speech. I am pro-free-speech. The decision of what is hateful should be left to the eye of the beholder.

There is an old saying, “Don’t tread on me!” That is pretty much my stand, don’t tread on me when it comes to what I read, view, or watch! I want everyone to simply leave me alone and allow me to make my own decisions, thank you very much!

Geek Software of the Week: Malwarebytes Browser Extension!

Mallwarebytes Browser ExtensionYou guys know that I like to keep you safe online! This week’s Geek Software the Week allows you to protect yourself from all kinds of Internet chicanery! I’m talking about Malwarebytes Browser Extension, which is in beta right now. It is available for Google Chrome, and Mozilla Firefox.

I would encourage you to go to the respective stores for these browsers and look for the Malwarebytes Browser Extension. As you can see from the image above when I went to a website that had been listed as a “clickbait website,” it gave me a warning that would have allowed me to either go back, or continue to the site.

There is a small ad at the bottom of the screen that let you know that you can sign up for Malwarebytes Premium, which I use myself, but this is not a great price to pay for such an excellent tool! The Malwarebytes Browser Extension is very aggressive, and will protect you from sites that you may consider safe. That’s why they have the box that says, “Continue to site.” But at least they warn you, and give you a choice, as to whether to proceed.

I really like the way this works! And I would encourage you to seriously consider using it!

Windows 10 Coming to Chromebooks?

We can now run Linux on our Chromebooks with Crostini, is Windows 10 next?

Chromebooks May Get Apple Boot Camp-Like Windows 10 Dual Boot With ‘Campfire’

Slashdot – Posted by BeauHD – “Google is reportedly working on a secret project to get Windows 10 running on Chromebooks. XDA Developers’ Kieran Miyamoto reports on the latest developments surrounding ‘Campfire’ — the Chromebook equivalent of Apple’s Boot Camp. From the report:

Earlier this year, a mysterious project appeared on the Chromium Git. The Chrome OS developers had created a new firmware branch of the Google Pixelbook called eve-campfire and were working on a new ‘Alt OS mode’ for this branch. We have since confirmed this Alt OS refers to Microsoft Windows 10 and found evidence that it wasn’t just an internal project but intended for public release.

The developers have reworked the way in which they distribute updates to a rarely-used section of ROM on Chromebooks called RW_LEGACY. The RW_LEGACY section on a Chromebook’s ROM traditionally gives users the ability to dual-boot into an alternative OS, but it is something of an afterthought during production and the section is rarely updated after a device leaves the factory. Now, with Campfire, Google will push signed updates to RW_LEGACY via the regular auto-update process, so firmware flashing won’t be a concern for Joe Public. A recent commit for enabling Alt OS through crosh with a simple [alt_os enable] command indicates that it will be a fairly easy setup process from the user’s end too.

We may expect to see the first demo of ‘Campfire’ at Google’s upcoming Pixel 3 launch event in October. Also, the report notes that the Google Pixelbook won’t be the only Chromebook with Campfire support, citing ‘mentions of multiple ‘campfire variants.”

Cord Cutters: You Need to Re-Scan For New Channels!

Cord CuttersFor at least the next two years, you need to scan every so often to pick up and locate new channels!

Antenna Users: Rescan to Keep Getting Free TV

Consumer Reports – By: James K. Willcox – “With more of us looking to find ways to save money on our monthly TV bills, it’s no surprise that TV antennas have made a comeback.

Once you get an antenna, you can tune in to local broadcasts channels, such as ABC, CBS, Fox, and NBC, as well as PBS and Telemundo. It’s free TV.

If you use an antenna, it’s important to regularly rescan for channels. That’s always been a good idea, but it’s more important now, with many TV stations moving to new broadcast frequencies over the next 18 to 24 months.

Rescanning simply means having your TV’s tuner do an automated update to look for new channels. This will allow your TV to find your favorite channels at their new frequencies. Though the frequency may be new, the channel numbers you use won’t change—channel 5 will still be channel 5, and so on.

Why are stations moving? Several years ago, Congress authorized the Federal Communications Commission to hold a spectrum auction, freeing up some over-the-air broadcast TV frequencies to make room for expanded wireless services.

Now that the auction is complete, about 1,000 TV stations have to change their frequencies, a move that will happen over the next two years. In addition, about a dozen stations will go off the air entirely.

To help consumers get up to speed on the transition, the National Association of Broadcasters has created a helpful website, You can get more general information about the station reassignments and find out when your local TV stations are moving. Just enter your ZIP code in the box at the top of the website to find out when your stations are slated to move. You can also sign up to get alerts when a local station is moving.
But the spectrum reassignment isn’t the only reason to rescan every month or so. First, if you did your original channel scan during a cloudy or rainy day, you might not be receiving all the channels available to you.

Secondly, most stations have been adding subchannels, in addition to the main program you’re tuned to. A rescan will help you capture any of those new subchannels, with programming that often includes a mix of vintage TV shows, nature programs, weather, and foreign-language programming.

Here’s How to Rescan

Fortunately, rescanning for channels is a fairly simple, straightforward thing to do. It varies a bit depending on what brand of TV you own, but ultimately you’re looking for a control that says Channel Scan or Channel Tuning.
Start by using your TV remote control (or a digital converter box remote if you still have an older analog TV) to press the Menu button. You may see the Channel Scan control right away, or it could be one layer down, under Antenna, Channels, or Channel List. It might be called “Live TV” (for LG TVs) or “Broadcast” (for Samsungs).

If you don’t see any of those options as soon as you press the Menu button—and that’s not unusual—you’ll have to go one layer deeper by first choosing Settings or Setup.
Once you find Channel Scan or Channel Tuning, you may have a choice to tune automatically (Autotune or Autoscan) or manually. You want the automatic option, which will make the TV search through all the channels.

If you don’t see any of these options, you can usually perform a channel scan by selecting the Input button on the TV remote or in the TV’s main menu, then choosing Antenna.

Depending on the number of channels you can receive, it could take a few minutes to complete the rescan. If it doesn’t work the first time, try again. And actually, we recommend doing a second channel scan anyway just to see whether you get any stations you missed on the first rescan.

Don’t Have an Antenna Yet?

If you’re just getting started with free, over-the-air TV, you’re in good company. Even many consumers who have switched to streaming video services, such as DirecTV Now or Sling TV, use an antenna for local stations not included with their package. In fact, 1 in 5 U.S. households with broadband internet now use one, according to market research firm Parks Associates.

Having the right antenna can help you get more of your local channels. We recently tested 10 popular models, ranging in price from $10 to $80. Your reception will also depend heavily on your distance from broadcast towers, and topography—such as mountains or tall buildings—that could interfere with signals. Amplified models can often help pull in more distant stations.

One other thing if you’re shopping: Make sure your antenna can receive both VHF (channels 2-13) and UHF (channels 14-51) frequencies. Some antennas only provide good reception of VHF or UHF channels, but not both. Because some channels may be moving from UHF to VHF frequency bands, you’ll need an antenna that can receive both.”

Dr. Bill.TV Netcast #441 – Video – “The LONGEST Show Ever Edition!”

Our LONGEST Dr. Bill.TV Show EVER! Broken up into Bite-sized pieces for you! APTeK HD Video Capture Device Unboxing and Discussion – at 2:23, New Email Scam Overview (Security) – at 13:02, Geek Project of the Week: Linux on Your Chromebook – at 31:08, ZDNet’s 50 Year’s of Tech Discussion – at 32:34, BitChute (YouTube Alternative) at 54:01, Commodore64 Mini Announcement – at 55:44, Windows 10 Updates and Bug Fixes – at 56:56, Geek Website of the Week: – at 57:09, Sign-Off at 58:23 Use this link to join BitChute:

Links that pertain to this Netcast:

TechPodcasts Network

International Association of Internet Broadcasters

Blubrry Network

Dr. Bill Bailey.NET

BitChute Referral

Start the Video Netcast in the Blubrry Video Player above by
clicking on the “Play” Button in the center of the screen.

(Click on the buttons below to Stream the Netcast in your “format of choice”)

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(Right-Click on any link above, and select “Save As…” to save the Netcast on your PC.)

You may also watch the Dr. Bill.TV Show on these services!


Dr. Bill.TV on YouTube Dr. Bill.TV on Vimeo


Dr. Bill.TV Netcast #441 – Audio – “The LONGEST Show Ever Edition!”

Our LONGEST Dr. Bill.TV Show EVER! Broken up into Bite-sized pieces for you! APTeK HD Video Capture Device Unboxing and Discussion – at 2:23, New Email Scam Overview (Security) – at 13:02, Geek Project of the Week: Linux on Your Chromebook – at 31:08, ZDNet’s 50 Year’s of Tech Discussion – at 32:34, BitChute (YouTube Alternative) at 54:01, Commodore64 Mini Announcement – at 55:44, Windows 10 Updates and Bug Fixes – at 56:56, Geek Website of the Week: – at 57:09, Sign-Off at 58:23 Use this link to join BitChute:

Links that pertain to this Netcast:

TechPodcasts Network

International Association of Internet Broadcasters

Blubrry Network

Dr. Bill Bailey.NET

BitChute Referral

Start the Video Netcast in the Blubrry Video Player above by
clicking on the “Play” Button in the center of the screen.

(Click on the buttons below to Stream the Netcast in your “format of choice”)

Streaming MP3 Audio

Streaming Ogg Audio

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(Right-Click on any link above, and select “Save As…” to save the Netcast on your PC.)

You may also watch the Dr. Bill.TV Show on these services!


Dr. Bill.TV on YouTube Dr. Bill.TV on Vimeo


Geek Web Site of the Week: What Is My Browser?

WhatIsMyBrowser.comYou need to test your browser to get the most of your Internet experience and stay safe.

Why should I update my web browser?

Get the most out of the internet

More than ever, websites are taking advantages of all the new features that modern web browsers provide; HTML5 video and audio, advanced JavaScript and CSS styling all rely on you having a modern web browser. If you don’t use the latest version of your web browser, you’re probably missing out on some of the latest features.

Many websites (including very big ones like Gmail, YouTube and Facebook) have stopped supporting older versions of browsers. If you’re running something that’s very out of date, you probably won’t be able to use some or all of the features of these sites.

Stay safe and secure

If you run a web browser that is out of date and which contains security vulnerabilities, you risk having your computer compromised by criminals. Depending on the security exploit, your personal information (including emails, banking details, online sales, photos and other sensitive information) could be stolen or destroyed. This is not a hypothetical occurrence; it happens regularly and in large volumes.

If your computer’s security is compromised you also run the risk of being used as a “middle man” in online crime; or as an unwitting pawn in large scale attacks against other internet users or companies. So even if your personal data is not stolen, if compromised, your computer can be turned into a “zombie”; sending out thousands of spam emails per day, or be forced to participate in “denial of service” attacks against other websites; all without you even being aware.

How to stay up to date

Make sure that you keep your web browser patched and up to date by following your vendor’s instructions. If your operating system no longer supports modern browsers, it’s time to update that too! Anti Virus software is a necessity these days as well.

Some web browsers (such as Chrome and Firefox) have an “Auto-update” feature enabled by default. Browsers such as Safari and Internet Explorer include updates in the latest versions of their respective Operating Systems.

Check out our guides to update your web browser for detailed information to make sure you’re up to date.

In an ideal world, every one would only run modern web browsers. It would not only make the users themselves safer and give them fuller and more enjoyable experiences; but it would make Web Developers and System Administrator’s lives much easier and enjoyable, as well as saving clients and companies lots of money as they no longer have to support out dated software.

As a responsible entity on the internet, encourages everyone to keep their web browser up to date.

You can help by encouraging your friends and family to keep their web browsers up to date as well. If you run a website, consider putting a link in your website’s footer to reminding your users to stay up to date.

Windows 10 Recent Bug Fixes Are Important!

Windows 10If you haven’t updated your Windows 10 installation lately, now is the time!

Windows 10: These two new builds deliver lots of bug fixes

ZDNet – By Liam Tung – “If you’re running either of the two latest versions of Windows 10, then Microsoft has a bunch of bug fixes to improve the OS for enterprise environments.

Microsoft has released Windows 10 build 17134.191 for Windows 10 versions 1803 or the April 2018 Update, as well as Build 16299.579 for Windows 10 users on version 1709 or the Fall Creators Update.

The update for 1803, tagged as KB4340917, doesn’t introduce new features but does fix a lot of issues that could be causing headaches for admins managing mobile devices.

The update includes a fix for devices within Active Directory or Hybrid AADJ++ domains that ‘unexpectedly unenroll from Microsoft Intune or third-party Mobile Device Management (MDM) services after installing provisioning package updates (PPKG)’.

And for developers, it also fixes an issue affecting the Universal CRT Ctype family Windows 10 SDK and Tools. Microsoft has been working on a fix for the problem since May.

It’s also fixed a problem with registration in the ‘Push to Install’ service.

Before this update, Version 1803 caused logon or logoff delays when using roaming user profiles. This update ‘addresses an issue with Roaming User Profiles where the AppData\Local and AppData\Locallow folders are incorrectly synchronized at user logon and logoff’.

There’s also a fix in there for peripheral devices that use Quality of Service parameters for Bluetooth connections.

The April 2018 Update was also bloating SQL Server memory when encrypting data using a symmetric key that has a certificate.

Some users who work at organizations with low lockout thresholds may have been confused by a premature lockout if they accidentally used an invalid password. This occurred in organizations that use a wireless Protected Extensible Authentication Protocol (PEAP) environment that has Single Sign On (SSO) enabled. PEAP is a common authentication method for Microsoft shops using wireless networks, often in wireless LAN environments.

Microsoft’s historical answer to Apple’s TrueType, OpenType fonts, should now be able to print in Win32 applications.

There was also a memory leak problem caused by DNS Response Rate Limiting when LogOnly mode was enabled. Meanwhile uses should no longer see a black screen when maximizing an app window on a second monitor when the user was in a RemoteApp session.

Finally, Microsoft has fixed a problem with its Input Method Editor (IME) tool for writing in Chinese and Japanese characters.

The update ‘addresses an issue in IME that causes unexpected finalization of strings during Japanese input in applications such as Microsoft Outlook’.

There’s one known issue that Microsoft is working on a fix for in a future release that surfaced after the July 2018 .NET Framework Security Updates were installed.

‘Applications that rely on .NET Framework to initialize a COM component and that run with restricted permissions may fail to start or run correctly after you install the July 2018 Security and Quality Rollup updates for .NET Framework,’ Microsoft said in a support note.

‘The .NET Framework runtime uses the process token to determine whether the process is being run within an elevated context. These system calls can fail if the required process inspection permissions are not present. This causes an ‘access denied’ error.’

The update KB4338817 pushes Windows 1709 to build 16299.579 and fixes the same MDM-related problem in the new version of Windows 10.

Download now: 20 pro tips to make Windows 10 work the way you want (free PDF)

There are fixes for Microsoft Edge DevTools, including one that made it unresponsive when the console was flooded with messages.

It also fixes a problem that caused a Windows PC to display a black screen for several minutes after installing Windows updates before going to the desktop.

The same PEAP with SSO issue and DMS Response Rate Limiting memory leak were also addressed in this update. And there are a bunch of fixes for PDF files in Edge, Microsoft Foundation Class applications, Group Policy Object (GPO) fixes, Web Account Manager authentication problems, SSO failures for Remote Desktop logins, and the same SQL Server memory bloat problem.

Until now some users may have noted that Microsoft’s BITS client-server file transfer service didn’t work when it couldn’t connect to the internet.

And Microsoft has finally fixed a printing problem on 64-bit Windows that Microsoft introduced in an update in August 2017. This happened when 32-bit applications impersonated other users often by calling LogonUser.

There are also fixes for RDP, network printing fixes, a resolution for an upgrade glitch that began on devices that had installed monthly updates since April 2018.

There are three known issues in this update, including one affecting devices with Microsoft’s Device Guard security feature enabled. This causes some non-English platforms to display various error messages in English rather than the local language. There are also non-English language bugs affecting error messages when attempting to read jobs created and Device Guard is enabled.”

Commodore Mini 64 is a Thing!

Yep! Get your Retro Gaming on with the Commodore 64 Mini!

Mini Commodore 64 is coming to North America on Oct. 9

c|net – By: David Carnoy – “In case you missed it, last September Retro Games announced it was going to put out a mini version of 1982’s Commodore 64 called the TheC64 Mini. The system actually shipped in Europe earlier this year, and is finally coming to North America on Oct. 9, just in time for the holiday season. It’s available for preorder now for $70.

Half the size of the original version, it comes come with 64 preinstalled licensed games including Impossible Mission II, Boulder Dash, Jumpman, Pitstop II and Speedball II: Brutal Deluxe that may bring back some fond memories if you were born in the ’70s. Perhaps because it’s slightly too retro, or too obscure for American audiences, it doesn’t have quite the same kind of appeal as Nintendo’s NES Classic or SNES Classic mini consoles, which sold out quickly at launch.

You can actually buy the C64 Mini now on Amazon if you’re willing to pay a premium (it’s about double the list price). User reviews on Amazon UK, where the product costs £65, are decidely mixed.

We’ll let you know whether it’s worth $70 as soon as we get our hands on a review sample. Personally, I’m waiting for the Tandy Radio Shack TRS-80 Mini. Alas, that isn’t available yet.

Here are the TheC64’s key features, according to Retro Games:

  • Preloaded with 64 classic games: TheC64 Mini comes with 64 classic titles already installed, including California Games, Winter Games, Impossible Mission II, Boulder Dash, Jumpman, Pitstop II, Speedball II: Brutal Deluxe, Street Sports Baseball, Summer Games II, Temple of Apshai Trilogy, Uridium and more.
  • USB ports: The unit is equipped with two USB ports, allowing you to add an extra joystick for multiplayer games or plugging in a keyboard to create your own programming masterpieces.
  • Customized visuals: The unit features high-definition output at 720p and 60Hz via HDMI, 4:3 ratio, US/Europe display mode options and a CRT filter for that classic look.
  • Retro computing: Plug in a USB keyboard and use as a fully functional home computer with C64 BASIC.
  • You can save: Unlike the original, TheC64 Mini allows you to save your progress in games.
  • Update ready: Supports software updates via USB flash drive so you have access to improved and enhanced programming.
  • $70 (preorders now open)”
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