DrBill.TV #349 – Video – “The Secure War-Kitteh Edition”

A swarm of one thousand robots, Microsoft to deliver Windows ‘Threshold’ tech preview, Bill Gates gets ‘iced’ in the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, ‘War Driving’ and ‘War-Kittehs!’ GSotW: WifiChannelMonitor, World of Warcraft to memorialize Robin Williams.

Links that pertain to this Netcast:

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Nirsoft WifiChannelMonitor

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DrBill.TV #349 – Audio – “The Secure War-Kitteh Edition”

A swarm of one thousand robots, Microsoft to deliver Windows ‘Threshold’ tech preview, Bill Gates gets ‘iced’ in the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, ‘War Driving’ and ‘War-Kittehs!’ GSotW: WifiChannelMonitor, World of Warcraft to memorialize Robin Williams.

Links that pertain to this Netcast:

TechPodcasts Network

International Association of Internet Broadcasters

Blubrry Network

Dr. Bill Bailey.NET

Nirsoft WifiChannelMonitor

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Robin Williams to be Honored in World of Warcraft Game

WOW Tribute to Robin WilliamsAs you know, we were all saddened to hear that Robin Williams passed away this week. There were many heartfelt tributes all week long, but I suspect he would have really loved this one!

World of Warcraft to Memorialize Robin Williams

Gamespot – By: Eddie Makuch – “It was well-known that Robin Williams enjoyed video games, including MMO World of Warcraft. Now, developer Blizzard Entertainment has spoken out to pay homage to the late comedian and also reveal plans to memorialize him in the game.

‘Thank you. You gave us so much joy in our lives, and we hope you enjoyed your time in our world. We’ll see you in-game,’ reads a tweet from the World of Warcraft account directed at Williams.

Blizzard’s statement came after fans launched a Change.org petition calling on the developer to create a Robin Williams World of Warcraft NPC. The line ‘We’ll see you in-game’ suggests that Blizzard is in fact creating a character based on the acclaimed actor and comedian.

‘Because of his presence within our community, we the players of World of Warcraft are asking Blizzard to kindly create an NPC within the game that memorializes the actor/comedian,’ reads a line from the petition. ‘Many have expressed a wish to this character perform some of Williams’ best jokes within the Worlds End Tavern, so that he may continue making us smile long after his passing.’

The creator of the Change.org petition, Jacob Holgate, writes that he has spoken with Blizzard about creating a Robin Williams NPC, and they have assured him that the character ‘will be handled with great care.’ We’ll have more details as they become available.

Williams was found dead in his California home on Monday in an apparent suicide.”

And, check out the nice tribute to Robin Williams… the best I have seen this week:

Geek Software of the Week: Nirsoft WifiChannelMonitor!

Nirsoft WifiChannelMonitor

To go along with our security theme this week, we are going with Nirsoft WifiChannelMonitor as our GSotW! Now, you can check for WiFi in YOUR area! (Be nice!)

Nirsoft WifiChannelMonitor

“WifiChannelMonitor is a utility for Windows that captures wifi traffic on the channel you choose, using Microsoft Network Monitor capture driver in monitor mode, and displays extensive information about access points and the wifi clients connected to them. WifiChannelMonitor also allows you to view the information about wifi clients that are not connected to any access points, including the list of SSIDs (network names) that they are trying to connect.

For every client, the following information is displayed: MAC Address, Device Manufacturer, SSID list that the client tries to connect, Sent Data Bytes, Received Data Bytes, Probe Requests Count, and more…”

“War-Driving” and “War-Kittehs”

As you know, on the Internet cats are lauded and there are tons of videos, photos, etc. of cats. In Internet lingo “kittehs” (sic). By the way, for those of you from Rio Linda, “sic” means I MEANT to type it that way! Anyway, then there is also the ancient computer hacker pastime of “War Driving,” that is, driving through a community with equipment to find open WiFi signals, and soundly mocking the idiots that have open WiFi (or, other more nefarious pastimes, once they are found… but I digress!

Anyway, combine the two, and you have a “War-Kitteh!” this was one of the many reports on the “War-Kitteh” this week:

Coco the cat can hack your WiFi network with his WarKitteh collar

Geek – By: Lee Matthews “Your cat probably does some pretty awesome, YouTube-worthy tricks. Chances are, however, that your cat isn’t quite the geeky little feline that Coco is. Coco, you see, can hack WiFi networks.

Not on his own, mind you. Coco’s got a special collar that was whipped up by security researcher Gene Bransfield. Now, most professionals who want to “research” the security of the WiFi connections in their neighborhoods will do a bit of wardriving or rig up a drone to do a little sniffing around. Bransfield thought that enlisting the aid of a cat would be both hilarious and fun.

Coco the War-KittehHe spent hours upon hours creating WarKitteh, a fur-wrapped collar that’s wired for WiFi reconnaissance. It’s not a clunky, cat-strangling hack either. Bransfield’s contraption is a little thick due to the electronics and battery, but only about as wide and long as an ordinary cat collar. It’s built around a GPS-enabled pet collar like the GeoDog and equipped with the Arduino-firendly Spark WiFi module.
While Bransfield has all the electronic and coding skills required to whip up WarKitteh himself, he needed a bit of help from a kindly neighbor lady to finish the collar off. Once the leopard print sleeve was sewn, he was ready to slip it on to a cat and see just how secure his neighbor’s WiFi networks really were.

His first feline operative, Skitzy, turned out to be a little too laid back to be of much use. Bransfield called for back-up, and Coco answered. On his first tour of the area, Coco and WarKitteh sniffed out 23 WiFi networks. Amazingly, a third of them were using horribly outdated, insecure WEP encryption.War-Kitteh protects your data!

Bransfield is hopeful that his project will increase awareness and convince people that it’s time to pay more attention to the security of their home networks. Sadly, I’m inclined to think that the vast majority of Internet users would be far more interested in the bouncing cat icon on his WarKitteh map than the fact that someone figured out how to turn a cat with a collar into a network hacker’s tool.”

Tiger, the

A Windows ‘Threshold’ Tech Preview is Coming in the Fall

Windows ThesholdWill the new version of Windows finally respond to customers and give us back our REAL Start button and menuing system? Yeah, I have heard it before, we’ll see!

Microsoft to deliver Windows ‘Threshold’ tech preview around late September

ZDNet – By Mary Jo Foley – “Microsoft is aiming to deliver a ‘technology preview’ of its Windows ‘Threshold’ operating system by late September or early October, according to multiple sources of mine who asked not to be named.

And in a move that signals where Microsoft is heading on the ‘servicability’ front, those who install the tech preview will need to agree to have subsequent monthly updates to it pushed to them automatically, sources added.

Threshold is the next major version of Windows that is expected to be christened ‘Windows 9′ when it is made available in the spring of 2015. Threshold is expected to include a number of new features that are aimed at continuing to improve Windows’ usability on non-touch devices and by those using mice and keyboards alongside touch.

Among those features — according to previous leaks — are a new ‘mini’ Start Menu; windowed Metro-Style applications that can run on the Desktop; virtual desktops; and the elimination of the Charms bar that debuted as part of Windows 8. Cortana integration with Windows Threshold is looking like it could make it into the OS, as well.

Microsoft has painted bold design strokes with Windows 8, but the business impact remains hotly debated. ZDNet and TechRepublic have the enterprise and SMB perspectives on Windows 8 covered from virtually every angle.

I’ve asked Microsoft officials for comment. To date, Microsoft execs have declined to comment on what will be in Threshold, when it will be available, how much it will cost or what it will be named.

When Microsoft was working on Windows 8, the company delivered three external ‘milestones’ before making the operating system generally available in October 2012. First there was a Windows 8 developer preview, which Microsoft released on September 13, 2011, followed by a Windows 8 ‘consumer’ preview on February 29, 2012. The operating system was released to manufacturing on August 1, 2012.

These days, Microsoft’s operating system team is on a more rapid release schedule, so I’d think there won’t be five or six months between any Threshold milestone builds Microsoft plans to make available externally.

I had heard previously from my contacts that Microsoft was aiming to deliver a public preview of Threshold available to anyone interested toward the end of calendar 2014. I’m not sure if there’s still a plan to make a public consumer preview available at that time or if this ‘technical preview’ is the only ‘preview’ Microsoft will release before Threshold is released to manufacturing.

Update: One of my contacts who has provided accurate information on Windows in the past said the Threshold tech preview will be public and available to all those interested.”

DrBill.TV #348 – Video – “The I’m Feelin’ Wonky Edition!”

Support for old versions of IE to be dropped in 2016, IE will soon block out-of-date ActiveX controls and Java, IBM has developed a new type of chip that works like a human brain, a self un-folding Origami robot, a Babylon 5 feature film? GSotW: Evalaze!

Links that pertain to this Netcast:

TechPodcasts Network

International Association of Internet Broadcasters

Blubrry Network

Dr. Bill Bailey.NET


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DrBill.TV #348 – Audio – “The I’m Feelin’ Wonky Edition!”

Support for old versions of IE to be dropped in 2016, IE will soon block out-of-date ActiveX controls and Java, IBM has developed a new type of chip that works like a human brain, a self un-folding Origami robot, a Babylon 5 feature film? GSotW: Evalaze!

Links that pertain to this Netcast:

TechPodcasts Network

International Association of Internet Broadcasters

Blubrry Network

Dr. Bill Bailey.NET


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