Dr. Bill.TV #357 – Video – “The Microstopped Virtual Edition”

Microsoft serves takedown notices to videos not infringing on anything, and is hash-tagged as #Microstopped. Announcing Codeweavers CrossOver 14.0.0 with support for OS/X Yosemite. Geek Software of the Week: Proxmox VE 3.3.

Links that pertain to this Netcast:

TechPodcasts Network

International Association of Internet Broadcasters

Blubrry Network

Dr. Bill Bailey.NET

Proxmox VE 3.3

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Dr. Bill.TV #357 – Audio – “The Microstopped Virtual Edition”

Microsoft serves takedown notices to videos not infringing on anything, and is hash-tagged as #Microstopped. Announcing Codeweavers CrossOver 14.0.0 with support for OS/X Yosemite. Geek Software of the Week: Proxmox VE 3.3.

Links that pertain to this Netcast:

TechPodcasts Network

International Association of Internet Broadcasters

Blubrry Network

Dr. Bill Bailey.NET

Proxmox VE 3.3

Start the Video Netcast in the Blubrry Video Player above by
clicking on the “Play” Button in the center of the screen.

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You may also watch the Dr. Bill.TV Show on these services!


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Geek Software of the Week: Proxmox VE!

Proxmox VE 3.3

“Proxmox VE is a complete open source virtualization management solution for servers. It is based on KVM virtualization and container-based virtualization and manages virtual machines, storage, virtualized networks, and HA Clustering.

The enterprise-class features and the intuitive web interface are designed to help you increase the use of your existing resources and reduce hardware cost and administrating time – in business as well as home use. You can easily virtualize even the most demanding Linux and Windows application workloads.

Powerful and Lightweight

Proxmox VE is open source software, optimized for performance and usability. For maximum flexibility, we implemented two virtualization technologies – Kernel-based Virtual Machine (KVM) and container-virtualization.

Open Source

VE uses a Linux kernel and is based on the Debian GNU/Linux Distribution. The source code of Proxmox VE is released under the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3 (GNU AGPL, v3). This means that you are free to inspect the source code at any time or contribute to the project yourself.

Using open source software guarantees full access to all functionalities – as well as high security and reliability. Everybody is encouraged to contribute while Proxmox ensures the product always meets professional quality criteria.

Kernel-based Virtual Machine (KVM)

Open source hypervisor KVM is a full virtualization solution for Linux on x86 hardware containing virtualization extensions (Intel VT or AMD-V). It is a kernel module added to mainline Linux.

With KVM you can run multiple virtual machines by running unmodified Linux or Windows images. It enables users to be agile by providing robust flexibility and scalability that fit their specific demands. Proxmox Virtual Environment uses KVM virtualization since the beginning at 2008, since 0.9beta2.

Container-based virtualization

OpenVZ is container-based virtualization for Linux. OpenVZ creates multiple secure, isolated Linux containers (otherwise known as VEs or VPSs) on a single physical server enabling better server utilization and ensuring that applications do not conflict. Proxmox VE uses OpenVZ virtualization since the beginning of the project in 2008.”

Announcing CrossOver 14.0.0!

Announcing CrossOver 14.0.0


“Hello all,

I am delighted to announce that CodeWeavers has just released CrossOver 14.0.0 for both Mac OS X and Linux. CrossOver 14.0.0 has major improvements for both OS X and Linux users.

For OS X users, CrossOver 14 introduces compatibility with Apple’s latest version of OS X, Yosemite, and also introduces a new and easy-to-use user interface. Windows applications now can be launched directly from CrossOver itself, and CrossOver presents simple icons you can drag to your OS X dock as shortcuts to your favorite Windows applications. Managing Windows applications on your Mac is easier than ever with CrossOver 14.

For Linux users, CrossOver has a powerful new automatic configuration feature which will detect, download, and install system components necessary to run Windows applications. CrossOver includes a database of what packages are needed by which Windows applications on which Linux distributions. When you use the CrossOver Software Installer to install a Windows application that depends on a particular Linux package, CrossOver will ask whether you want to install the required dependencies. If you agree, CrossOver will automatically install the required Linux packages before moving on to the Windows software install. This makes installing Windows software on Linux easier than it has ever been.

CrossOver 14 includes support for Quicken 2015 and a number of new games. CrossOver 14 is based on Wine 1.7.25, bringing thousands of improvements to application stability and support.

Mac customers with active support entitlements will be upgraded to CrossOver 14 the next time they launch CrossOver. Linux users can download the latest version from https://www.codeweavers.com/.

If CrossOver asks for registration use your codeweavers.com email address & password to register and unlock CrossOver. Email info@codeweavers.com if you need more help.

Thank you all for your support, and we hope you enjoy CrossOver 14.0.0!”

The Evil Empire Sends Out Cease-and-Desist Letters

No, I haven’t been #Microstopped yet… but, just to be safe, I will substitute “Linux” for “Microsoft Windows.” Talk about evil hubris!

Microsoft Serves Takedown Notices to Videos Not Infringing on Anything

Wired – By: Klint Finley – Microsoft’s never-ending war on software piracy caused some collateral damage this week. The victims? A handful of prominent YouTube video bloggers.

The bloggers—including LockerGnome founder Chris Pirillo and FrugalTech host Bruce Naylor—took to Twitter on Tuesday, with the hashtag #Microstopped, to complain that they had received erroneous copyright infringement notices for videos that were often several years old. The notices were filed under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, the U.S. law that seeks to control access to copyrighted material on the net.

Microsoft apologized for the notices, blaming the issue on wayward comments. ‘[S]ome of these videos were inadvertently targeted for removal because there were stolen product keys embedded in the comments section of the videos,’ a Microsoft spokesperson said in statement sent to WIRED, referring to keys that would allow access to Microsoft commercial software. ‘We have already taken steps to reinstate legitimate video content and are working towards a better solution to targeting stolen IP while respecting legitimate content.’

The situation shows that, 16 years after it went into effect, the DMCA is far from the ideal way to police copyrighted material—mainly because it makes it too easy for big companies like Microsoft to silence the little guys, sometimes for no good reason.

Pirillo says he learned—after sending a counter notice to YouTube—that a company called Marketly sent DMCA notice on behalf of Microsoft. Marketly, which was founded by former Microsoft engineer Pulin Thakkar, uses algorithms to spot piracy and counterfeiting on the net. The company’s website boasts that it can ‘generate actionable intelligence from Big Data analysis and machine learning technologies.’

According to Google’s Transparency Report site, Marketly has requested that Google remove nearly 11 million different URLs from its search engine on behalf of Microsoft since 2011.

This round of complaints over the company’s practices began with Naylor and FrugalTech. On Tuesday, Naylor posted a video explaining that YouTube had removed one of his videos after someone filed—on behalf of Microsoft—a DMCA takedown notice. Under the DMCA, web hosts and internet service providers must immediately remove allegedly infringing content when notified by the copyright holder. But Naylor’s video, which you can now find on the video sharing site Vimeo, didn’t include so much as a screenshot of Microsoft Windows. It was merely a video of Naylor speaking into the camera and explaining why he thought Windows 8 wasn’t selling well.

Pirillo says he received his own takedown notice while watching Naylor’s video, and soon discovered that other bloggers had received similar notices. That spurred him to create the #Microstopped to find bring attention to Marketly’s behavior. We’ve counted at least eight different bloggers who received notices on Tuesday.

At first, Naylor blamed the removal of his video on the fact that his video was critical of Microsoft. ‘It really pissed off somebody and they’re looking for any excuse to take it down,’ he said in his video. But many of the videos that have been taken down weren’t critical of Microsoft at all. Mark Watson, the host of a tech-focused YouTube channel called SoldierKnowsBest, received a takedown notice for a simple instructional video. ‘It was a video telling people how to download the Windows 7 Beta from your website in 2009,’ he tweeted.

Likewise, Pirillo’s video was about how to upgrade Windows 7. As he put it: ‘This isn’t about censoring negative reviews so much as it is the gross abuse of YouTube’s copyright flagging system and is not without precedent.’

DrBill.TV #356 – Video – “The Phred Messes Up Edition!”

Netflix comes to Linux via Ubuntu and Chrome, YouTube video about TriCaster Mini from NewTek: the all-in-one portable TV studio, Christopher Schmidt’s quadcopter taken down by a hawk on YouTube, GSotW: Clementine, the most expensive stuff at NY Comic Con.

Links that pertain to this Netcast:

TechPodcasts Network

International Association of Internet Broadcasters

Blubrry Network

Dr. Bill Bailey.NET

Clementine – Music Player and Organizer

Start the Video Netcast in the Blubrry Video Player above by
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You may also watch the Dr. Bill.TV Show on these services!


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DrBill.TV #356 – Audio – “The Phred Messes Up Edition!”

Netflix comes to Linux via Ubuntu and Chrome, YouTube video about TriCaster Mini from NewTek: the all-in-one portable TV studio, Christopher Schmidt’s quadcopter taken down by a hawk on YouTube, GSotW: Clementine, the most expensive stuff at NY Comic Con.

Links that pertain to this Netcast:

TechPodcasts Network

International Association of Internet Broadcasters

Blubrry Network

Dr. Bill Bailey.NET

Clementine – Music Player and Organizer

Start the Video Netcast in the Blubrry Video Player above by
clicking on the “Play” Button in the center of the screen.

(Click on the buttons below to Stream the Netcast in your “format of choice”)
Streaming M4V Audio

Streaming MP3 Audio

Streaming Ogg Audio

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(Right-Click on any link above, and select “Save As…” to save the Netcast on your PC.)

You may also watch the Dr. Bill.TV Show on these services!


Dr. Bill.TV on YouTube Dr. Bill.TV on Vimeo


Top Dollar for Old Comics!

Action Comics #1Wow! I gotta go through my comic book collection and sell some stuff!

The Most Expensive Stuff You Can Buy At New York Comic Con

The Daily Digg – “While comics may have started as disposable entertainment, it’s no secret that many books can fetch a hefty sum based on their rarity, CGC grade*, illustrator, and/or characters that may have first appeared in them.

We talked to the people working every collectibles booth at this year’s New York Comic Con and asked them what their most expensive item is, and what made these items so astonishingly valuable.

Original Palitoy Star Wars figures, complete set
from the 1970s

Gobbledygook #1 and Gobbledygook #2
(Only 50 copies made)

Pep Comics #22 [Restored**, CGC Grade 8.0]
(Introduction of Archie)

Strange Tales #110 [CGC Grade 9.4]
(Introduction of Dr. Strange)

Robert Crumb complete four-page story

Original art from Spider-Man #32

Cover of Spider-Man #300

Detective Comics #27 [Restored, CGC Grade 9.4]
(Introduction of Batman – 1939)

and, finally…

Action Comics #1 [CGC Grade 9.0]
(Introduction of Superman!)

*CGC, or Comics Guaranty, is in independent grading service that launched in 2000 whose purpose is to determine how well preserved a book is. The scores are given out of 10, and the color of the label implies its state: blues are unadulterated books, purples are restored, greens have a significant defect and yellows are books that have been signed in the presence of a CGC employee.

**Restoration can be accomplished in a number of ways including conservation (removal of dirt, debris, or stains) leaf casting (which fills in missing paper that may have rotted away) and color touch (recoloring worn pages). The process can be quite expensive, and restored comics are usually worth less than a blue labelled version of the same book.”

Geek Software of the Week: Clementine! (For Linux and Windows)

ClementineThis week’s GSotW was suggested by Linux user Rod, who watches the show! Thanks, Rod!

Clementine is for Linux AND Windows! Check it out!

Clementine – Music Player and Organizer

“Clementine is a multiplatform music player and library organizer. It is inspired by Amarok 1.4, focusing on a fast and easy-to-use interface for searching and playing your music.”

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