Real Men Cook with Liquid Oxygen… NOT!

This falls under “Geek Culture!” It kinda reminds me of Tim Allen on his “show within a show” which was “Tool Time”, and the real TV show was “Home Improvement”… Tim would do crazy things to “speed up,” add hosepower, or take shortcuts… well, these guys chose to use Liquid Oxygen to speen up cleaning and firing up a charcoal grill (DON’T TRY THIS AT HOME!)

LOX in a Grill Video

“Cooking with Liquid Oxygen… A short film clip of lighting of the grill with 3 gallons of liquid oxygen. Started with 60 lbs of charcoal, and burnt up 40 lbs of it in 3 seconds. Result is a grill ready to cook in about 3 seconds, and all the old grease, etc burned off. Don’t try this at home.

WARNING: An ignition source, such as a lit cigarette or one glowing coal, must be present before pouring on the LOX. If charcoal is PRESOAKED in LOX first, an explosion will result. One briquette presoaked in LOX is approx equiv to 1 stick of dynamite.”

Dewd. These guys are crazy!

Happy “Pi” Day!

Hooray! Another day to celebrate… and this one is for REAL geeks!

Happy “Pi” Day!

“March 14, written as 3-14 in the United States date format, represents the common three-digit approximation for the number Ï€: 3.14. It is often celebrated at 1:59 p.m. in recognition of the six-digit approximation: 3.14159. Some, using a 24-hour clock, celebrate it at 1:59 a.m. or 3:09 p.m. (15:09) instead.”

Adverts: Too “Smart” for Their Own Good!!

The link from the previous blog entry had an advertisement at the bottom of the page. These ads take the verbiage from the page itself and “build” an advertisement… check this out!

This advert is too “smart” for it’s own good! “Windows Linux!” Cute! “Linux for Windows!” Uh-huh! I’ll just BET you really can find it on those sites! NOT!

How Microsoft REALLY Works?!

This is a bit old… but this flash cartoon takes us into Windows Vista (when it was called by it’s codename… “Whistler”) and explains how Microsoft develops it’s software and builds in those great, new features! Definitely a “Geek Culture” treasure! This is from our friends at “Three Dead Trolls” again! (Who brought us “Every OS Sucks!”)

Behind the Scenes at Microsoft!

I want a copy of “Smarty Pants 2.0” once they work the bugs out!

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