Geek Culture: “Great Shot, Sir!”

This photo of the President and his cabinet, looking intense as Osama Bin Laden is being dealt with, is taking on an Internet meme level, there so many versions are out there, but this “Photoshop-ery” is pretty cool! Headline: “Great Shot, Sir!” Look closely at the President’s hands!

Great Shot, Sir!

Geek Culture: How to Be a Ninja!

[Begin metatag Proud Papa]
This is my son, the Gamemaster’s, video for his HPU class in New Media. It is a “How To” video, but with his usual comic slant! It stars my nephew, Josh Wood, and was shot (using his Droid X) and edited by Ben (Gamemaster ZX.) Also, our kitty, Tiger, is in it… but as Ben says, she was not hurt in the process. Check it out!
[/End metatag Proud Papa]

What Have We Come To? Superman Renounces His American Citizenship!

SupermanSigh. What a weird headline. I grew up with Superman. I blame DC Comics… and the commies. Dang.

Superman Renounces His Citizenship in 900th Issue of ‘Action Comics’

“Superman is no longer an American. In ‘Action Comics’ new record-breaking 900th issue, the fictional iconic super hero renounces his U.S citizenship following a clash with the federal government. The Man of Steel, created by Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster in 1938, has always been recognized as a devoted American warrior who constantly fought evil, but as of Thursday, he is no longer the country’s own to claim. No word yet if Superman will change his red and blue suit, or his longtime motto ‘truth, justice and the American way’ — but the landmark issue is certainly sparking controversy.”

Who’s next? Captain America? Oh yeah. He’s dead. Dang.

“The Legend of Zelda” Turns 25!

Legend of ZeldaWow! My son, the Gamemaster, is 18… and now in college! He loves his games… and I can remember him going on about the Legend of Zelda games… hard to believe that they are older than he is!

The Legend of Zelda Turns 25

“On February 21, 1986 — exactly 25 years ago today — the very first copy of the game we know as The Legend of Zelda was sold in Japan, jump-starting an iconic franchise that has spawned various sequels, books, television shows, and a fan community larger than perhaps any other videogame series.

As many 1UP readers know, we’re really big on anniversaries and birthdays around here, and we’re even bigger on Zelda, so we’re celebrating Link’s 25th with not one, not two, but ten retrospective features looking back at the impact the series has had on our lives.”

Geek Culture: Cat Will Serve Jury Duty!

Cat on Jury!My cat WOULD do a better job than some jurors! So, maybe this isn’t as weird as it might seem!

Cat summoned for jury duty

But, then again, this IS in California!

“A cat has been summoned to do jury service in the US – even after his owners pointed out he was ‘unable to speak and understand English.’

Anna Esposito, wrote to Suffolk Superior Crown Court in Boston, to explain that a mistake had been made, reports the Daily Telegraph.

But a jury commissioner replied insisting that the cat, named Tabby Sal, ‘must attend’ on March 23.

Mrs Esposito had included a letter from her vet confirming that the cat was ‘a domestic short-haired neutered feline.’

Tabby Sal had been entered by Mrs Esposito under the ‘pets’ section of the last census.

She asked: ‘When they ask him guilty or not guilty? What’s he supposed to say – miaow?’

‘Sal is a member of the family so I listed him on the last Census form under pets but there has clearly been a mix-up.’

A website for the US judicial system states that jurors are “not expected to speak perfect English.”

Geek Culture: Guy With the Amazing Radio Voice!

Ted WilliamsI saw a blip of a headline on Digg. It was about a homeless guy that has an amazing “radio announcer voice!” Check out the first link to listen to the video, which has “gone viral!”

The Homeless Columbus, Ohio Man with the Golden Radio Voice

Now, since the video went viral, he is getting TONS of job offers… check out the link below for a list!

Ted Williams: Homeless Man With Radio Voice Getting Job Offers

“The new year’s first viral video star is Ted Williams, a homeless man from Ohio, whose amazing, radio-perfect voice has awed people from around the world.

Williams was known for panhandling with a handmade sign announcing his ‘God-given gift of a voice.’ After hearing about him, The Columbus Dispatch paper stopped by one of his known panhandling haunts to record him saying voice-over phrases, like ‘coming up next!’

The bedraggled Williams’ appearance only made his voice seem that much richer. Days later, millions have watched the video.

Now that Williams’ voice has been heard, he’s making appearances — he was on Ohio radio this morning, and he’ll be on NBC’s ‘Today Show’ on Thursday — and the job prospects seem to be pouring in!”

AWESOME! Only in America! A neat way to start off the year!

Did You Hear the One About the Internet Time Traveler?

Time TravelerStop me if you’ve heard this… OK, don’t! Anyway, somebody was watching a 1928 Charlie Chaplin film (already I’m suspicious!) And, lo and behold, they see a lady (in 1928) walking down the street talking on a cell phone! Uh huh. Well, you be the judge. Is it a time traveler? If so, how was her reception in 1928? My son, the Gamemaster, says “No big deal, she was using one of Dr. Who’s cell phones that work across space and time.” Makes sense, I guess!

Internet Finds Time Traveler With Cell Phone in 1928 Charlie Chaplin Film

“An interesting clip from a 1928 Charlie Chaplin film, The Circus, is making the rounds on YouTube, showing what appears to be a woman talking on a mobile phone. GawkerTV slowed it down so you can get a good look at the woman, and you would be absolutely convinced she was talking on a cell phone if they had been invented back then. So, how can we explain this mysterious footage? The prevailing Internet conspiracy theory is that the woman is a time traveler, making a call through time. I would debunk this by saying it would’ve been awfully hard to get reception before cell towers were ever invented, but I figure anybody who believes this woman broke the rules of spacetime to visit 1928 isn’t going to be convinced by silly old historical facts. Oh, and for anyone who think it’s a walkie-talkie, those weren’t invented yet, either. They didn’t pop up until 1937, and even then, they required a bulky backpack transceiver powered by vacuum tubes.”

Space fuzz, I say. But, then I would.

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