Cars vs. Cows! “Bessie” is Doomed!

Bessie the CowSo… what is the bigger polluter? Your gas-guzzling SUV, or “Bessie?” (If your car is named “Bessie,” then I am sorry for any confusion!) And, confusion, it seemed, reigned at a recent UN panel. Everyone was perplexed that the lowly cow was a bigger polluter than our favorite environmental villian, the car! I figure there will now be wild gangs of environmentalists massacring cows! Meat prices and milk prices will rise! Oh, the humanity!

UN panel: Cows emit more greenhouse gases than cars

OK, OK, I know that this is off of our usual tech news fare… but it just struck me as kinda weird and funny! And, it is still kinda “science-y.” Sorta.

C-Net UK’s Top Ten WORST All-Time Tech Products!

Check them out:

Number One) Sinclair C5
Number Two) Barcode Battler
Number Three) The Squircle
Number Four) Gizmondo
Number Five) Tamagotchi
Number Six) Apple Puck Mouse
Number Seven) Atari Jaguar
Number Eight) Amstrad E-m@iler Telephone
Number Nine) Sony rootkit CDs
Drum roll please… Number Ten) Windows Vista

Gotta love that! Read the whole article at the link below:

History’s Top Ten WORST Tech

As I write this, this story has gotten 3187 Diggs. Ouch! You gotta know Microsoft is squirming!

In a Fair and Even Trial – Internet Explorer Still Stinks!

Yep! Internet Explorer still sucks! (But we knew that!)

In All Fairness … Internet Explorer Still Stinks

“This is the story of how SitePoint tried to give Internet Explorer a fighting chance … and it lost anyway.” The web site “Site Point” is putting together an “Ultimate Reference” to CSS…. and decided to test web browsers! Yike! IE was the big loser. Surprise, surprise!

Ultimate BSOD?

Ultimate BSOD“At one of Toronto’s locations of The Bay department store, four giant screens have suffered from the infamous Blue Screen of Death for days. You’d think that someone would, I dunno, turn off the freakin’ screens. Or, at minimum, there’s gotta be some 2.4gHz nanny cam feed they could leech for at least a few days before anyone complained. Because after the first 24 hours or so of BSOD, we begin to think that they like the aesthetic.”

Biggest Blue Screen of Death of ALL Time!

gOS Operating System Highlighted on Dr. Bill.TV

gOSCheck out my new “special” video Netcast on which I demonstrate the new gOS Operating System. It is a version of Ubuntu 7.10 with optimizations to make it run extremely well on older, slower PCs, or underpowered PCs. It uses the Enlightenment GUI to do this. Check out the video netcast for a demo!

Click on the “Streaming VID” badge below to play Streaming Video of this special Video Netcast.
Streaming Video

Linus Torvalds Thinks Open Source is Best

Not exactly a surprise headline, I know… but check out what Linus Torvalds, the creator of Linux, says…

Linus Torvalds on Open Source: ‘A Much Better Way to Do Things’

“‘Linux really wouldn’t have gone anywhere interesting at all if it hadn’t been released as an open source product. I also think that the change to the GPLv2 from my original ‘no money’ license was important, because the commercial interests were actually very important from the beginning. The commercial distributions were what drove a lot of the nice installers and pushed people to improve usability,’ said Linux creator Linus Torvalds. Linus Torvalds was only 22 in 1991 when he decided to share with friends and colleagues the code of Linux, the new operating system he had created. The University of Helsinki computer science student couldn’t have imagined the revolution his decision was about to ignite.”

Microsoft and Mozilla Argue Over Javascript

“You are going to break the web!” “No, you are!” “Na-na-na-nah!” And so it goes! Microsoft and Mozilla (Internet Explorer and Firefox, respectively) are arguing over support for JavaScript.

Microsoft, Mozilla Disagree Over JavaScript’s Future

Mozilla and Microsoft are in the midst of a squabble over the future of JavaScript, with each side accusing the other of actions which could end up ‘breaking the Web.’ The two companies each have their own respective versions of the common programming language that is used across the web: Mozilla backs ECMAScript, while Microsoft pushes its own JScript. Much of the battle has been between Mozilla Chief Technology Officer Brendan Eich — the creator of JavaScript — and Microsoft Internet Explorer platform architect Chris Wilson. The two have traded barbs through their blogs over the past week. Wilson started the tiff by suggesting that the next version of ECMAScript, version 4, may be too much of a change to the language itself to continue it as ‘JavaScript.’ Instead, he suggested that a completely new language be developed, because so much of the structure of the language would be changed. ‘We could continue supporting existing users as well as freeing the new language from constraints (including the constraint of [permanently] supporting scripts written in the old language),’ he wrote on Wednesday. He continued this in his own personal blog on Thursday, adding that Microsoft has attempted to work with the ECMA committee, but Microsoft’s concerns were being ignored, and ES4 development had turned into a “yes or no battle.’ ‘I also think it’s a shame that the response to any dissent has equated to shouting the dissenters down. The string of blog posts over the last week, and the immediate and somewhat incendiary comments from ES4 proponents, has been a good example of that,’ he wrote.”

Everex Linux-based Super Cheap PC Coming to Wal-Mart!

First Vista looks like it is losing M$ market share… now, Linux is coming to cheap PCs at Wal-Mart! The revolution is upon us!

Everex launches $198 Ubuntu Linux gPC at Wal-Mart

Everex, a longtime personal computer vendor, has unveiled its latest PC featuring Ubuntu Linux-based open-source productivity software and Google-based Web 2.0 applications, for a mere $198. Everex is following Dell, which pioneered the broad release of Linux-powered desktops and laptops to the consumer market in the United States. Since Dell’s first moves, other PC vendors such as Lenovo and HP have explored broader Linux PC releases. The Everex Green gPC TC2502O includes popular applications from Google, Mozilla, Skype and It runs gOS Initial G, which in turn is based on Ubuntu Linux 7.10 The gOS operating system features a simple and intuitive Linux Enlightenment E17 desktop interface with a Google-centric theme. The system comes with a lifetime of free updates and revisions. The company opted to use Enlightenment, rather than the more popular KDE or GNOME, because Enlightenment requires minimal hardware resources for its interface. Although the company claims in a FAQ that it was ‘created as a conceptual Google PC with a conceptual Google OS,’ Paul Kim, Everex’s director of marketing, in a discussion with DesktopLinux clarified that ‘popular applications such as those from Google are an integral part of our product, however, gOS is an entity entirely independent from Google. Furthermore, while we make use of many applications from Google, ‘Google Apps’ is not bundled with this particular system.’ ‘There has been a latent demand for a consumer-friendly Linux operating system, generating countless inquires from customers seeking an alternative PC experience,’ said John Lin, general manager of Everex. “The vision behind gPC was to provide mainstream users with all their favorite applications wrapped in a no-compromise, low-cost, consumer-friendly product. We’re simply giving the people what they want. Everex enlisted the collective intelligence of users throughout the world. Customers love Google products, so we added them. Hackers want administrative privileges, so we provided it. The ultimate potential of a mainstream, open-source PC is tremendous.'”

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