Need Customers for Your Product? Pay Them to Use It!

That’s what Microsoft is doing for it’s new Office365 “Cloud Software Service!”

Microsoft pays University of Nebraska $250,000 to use Office 365

“If you really are in need of some high profile clients, you can always pay them. That’s exactly what Microsoft has done with the University of Nebraska. The university will receive $250,000 in incentives from Microsoft to migrate its email and calendaring system to the recently announced Office365 platform.

The school had been using IBM’s Lotus Notes for these services, however that system had begun to age — having been in use since 1997. IBM had pitched its cloud-based version of Notes to the school, but could not come close to Microsoft’s offer. Google was also said to be in the running but probably lost out for much of the same reason.

The funds will be used to subsidize the cost of migration, as well as fund support and the purchase of Microsoft software across the entire university. The switch is expected to save the school about $500,000 a year.”

Wow. When you have pay them to use it… well. Just something to ponder.

Mozilla Firefox Memory Restart Plugin

Or, you could just use Chrome. Just sayin’!

Is Firefox hogging RAM? Memory Restart can fix that

“When Mozilla released Firefox 4 (and now Firefox 5), it appeared to have finally fixed some of the performance-related gripes of earlier releases. Compared to Firefox 3.6, Firefox 5 is lightning fast, but sadly behind the scenes all is not as it should be. Firefox still suffers from a memory leak that sees its memory demands slowly spiral over an extended period of time, stealing precious system resources and affecting your PC’s performance as a result.

A simple restart fixes the problem, but it’s still annoying. The good news is that Mozilla developers are targeting this memory leak and think they may have found a way to fix it. If we’re lucky, the fix may even make it into Firefox 7, which is due to be released as Firefox Aurora imminently. In the meantime, how you can stop Firefox’s increasing memory demands from spiralling out of control? The answer lies with a tiny add-on appropriately titled Memory Restart.

Memory Restart does two things: first, it displays Firefox’s current memory consumption in the Add-ons Bar. This immediately reveals how Firefox’s memory demands increase over time, regardless of how it’s being used. When Firefox’s memory consumption hits 500MB, the text will change to red to warn you that it’s in danger of overrunning the rest of your system, telling you it’s time to shut down and restart Firefox to free up most of the memory it’s snaffled.
Memory Restart’s other trick is that you can configure it from its Options dialog to automatically restart Firefox when the 500MB threshold is reached, preserving all your open tabs and allowing you to continue browsing without too much hassle. Better still, the arbitrary 500MB figure can be altered to any amount you like, allowing you to tweak Memory Restart according to the amount of installed RAM in your computer.”

Memory Restart for Firefox

LibreOffice 3.4.1 is Released, But It Is Just Bugfixes

For business, stay with 3.3.3 for now, as I sadi before, but 3.4.1 has some bug-fixes. I like an active, vital Open Source community!

LibreOffice 3.4.1 fixes bugs, still not ready for enterprises

“The Document Foundation has released LibreOffice 3.4.1, a landmark update for its open-source, multi-platform office application. With its release, LibreOffice 3.4.1 is now the recommended build for all users except large enterprises, thanks to the bug fixes and improved stability that provide the focus of the release.
LibreOffice is an off-shoot of the OpenOffice project, development of which has stalled since many developers switched across to LibreOffice when it was launched in September, 2010.

At the present time, there are two versions of LibreOffice available: an older 3.3.3 build for enterprise users, plus the recently released 3.4.1 build for all other users. Enterprise users are asked to hold off deploying a 3.4.x build until version 3.4.2 is released at the end of the month.

LibreOffice 3.4.1 is purely a maintenance release, with no new features. However, users who are switching to the 3.4.x build from version 3.3.x, will find a number of a new features that were introduced in version 3.4, which are detailed at the LibreOffice website. These include improved compatibility with Excel spreadsheets in Calc, renamed Data Pilot component (now called PivotTable) and improved HTML export options in Impress and Draw applications.”

IE Numbers Falling, But So Is Firefox!

Wow! The browser wars are heating up. Internet Explorer’s numbers are falling, but so is Mozilla Firefox. I think it is because Google Chrome is just SO much faster, and Firefox memory issues are still slowing it down!

Internet Explorer usage is a falling rock

“First of the month means fresh browser usage data from NetApplications. Despite all the hoopla about IE9, Internet Explorer’s share, as measured in usage, declined (again) in June — to 53.68 percent from 54.27 percent in May and 55.11 percent in April. Internet Explorer 9 launched in March.

Firefox usage share dipped slightly — 21.71 percent to 21.67 percent month over month. Chrome continued its steady gains, up to 13.11 percent from 12.52 percent. Safari also nudged up, to 7.48 percent from 7.28 percent. Opera was the month’s other shocking loser, with usage sharing falling to 1.73 percent from 2.03 percent.
Google and Mozilla are now cranking out new browser versions every few months, pushing Microsoft to speed up, too. Already, Google has released three Chrome versions this year, and v13 is beta testing.

IE9 was supposed to be the browser that fixed Microsoft’s problems, according to NetApps. In January, IE share was 56 percent. A year earlier 62.12 percent, and 75.47 percent in January 2008. Unless Microsoft can reverse the ongoing trend, Internet Explorer’s global market share will fall below 50 percent sometime in the next 12-18 months.

As it has done in other months, NetApps spun Internet Explorer numbers around Microsoft’s risky bet on Windows 7. IE9 does not support Windows XP, which still represents most of the Windows install base. NetApps seems convinced that as more people adopt Windows 7, IE usage will increase.”

Robots With A Sense of Touch? Weird!

Robot SkinGetting “touchy-feely” with a robot? Ah-no! I don’t think so!

Electronic Skin Gives Robots a Sense of Touch!

“Thanks to classic movies, many people view robots as clunky, lumbering galoots, knocking over lab racks and breaking through walls. While this image contrasts entirely with today’s violin playing robots, still robots aren’t typically known for their delicate sense of touch.

However, some researchers from the Technical University Munich (TUM) might be changing that stereotype. In their attempt to create a more sensitive robot, the team has produced small hexagonal plates that, when joined together, form a responsive robot skin.

The artificial skin is composed of small, rigid hexagonal circuit boards. Each circuit board has four infrared sensors that detect anything that comes closer than a centimeter, effectively stimulating light touch. Therefore, the robot can detect when it runs into things and either retreat from the object or direct its eyes to better examine the object.

As well, TUM researchers have embedded the plates with six temperatures sensors and an accelerometer. Researchers say these add self-perception to the robot by allowing it to register individual limb movement.”

Super Expensive Game Development Software… Now FREE!

Wow! Wanna get into designing games! If you have always wanted to create your own game, but thought the tools were just too expensive, check this out!

$5000 game-making software now free

“Caspian Software makes a product called Thinking Worlds, which the company describes as a “globally unique 3D sims & games engine and authoring environment.” The product lets both beginners and advanced game-makers create and publish games quickly and easily, and even publish to iPad and iPhone.

Developers see potential, pitfalls with iOS 5
On Friday, the company released the latest version of Thinking Worlds with the astonishing announcement that the formerly $4,999 package is now completely free to use. Advanced users will have the option to pay for additional features if they require them, but basic functionality is completely free.

The thinking behind the new approach to the software is that traditional barriers to game design—such as learning a complex programming language, the difficulty of creating 3D are and the challenges of publishing games—need to be overcome to allow creative minds to make the games they have locked in their imaginations. Thinking Worlds’ finished projects can be published as standalone titles for PC, but can also be run via web browser and iOS devices.”

Dr. Bill.TV Site Updated!

Dr. Bill.TVI have updated the Dr. Bill.TV web site with the new MediaLister software. It now has more features, and should be easier to use! Here’s a link:

Dr. Bill.TV Web Site

Clink on the “Episodes” link at the top of the site at this link, then try clicking on an episode. Note that the new display has a still photo of each video (like an excerpt from it.) And, there is more info on each episode available per generated (via MediaLister) page! Cool huh!?!

Mac Security Updates… Yes, I said, MAC!

Mac’s have malware? Yes. Dewd!

Mac Malware: OS X 10.6.8 Has A Plethora of Critical Security Updates

“Apple released Mac OS X 10.6.8 yesterday in preparation for its Lion release. There are several things to like about the new update, including changes to Final Cut Pro X as well as enhancements to the Mac App Store ahead of the release of Lion.

Overlooked in the update is the fact that Apple has included a fair amount of security updates in the software. When it comes to Apple, people always want to talk about what is cool and sleek and fun to use. Yet, as the fake anti-virus malware Mac Defender has shown us, Apple is becoming more of a target for malicious hacks. Apple releases security updates with each version of Mac OS X. Let’s take a look at what is significant in version 10.6.8.

According to the Sophos Naked Security blog, the most important fixes concern ‘arbitrary code execution.’

‘That’s computer-speak for ‘allow a bad guy to run malicious code on your computer, without your authorization,'” wrote Graham Cluley of Sophos.'”

Star Wars MMO Shutting Down in December

The Gamemaster will be bummed… though, actually, I don’t think he played it much… and, apparently neither did other folk!

Star Wars Galaxies Shutting Down In December

“It seems Star Wars Galaxies won’t have to worry about competing with the upcoming BioWare MMO Star Wars: The Old Republic. SOE plans to shut down Galaxies by the end of the year.

Galaxies will end on December 15th. The announcement comes just two days before the MMO celebrates its eighth birthday.

‘Galaxies has been a part of all our lives for so many years that it’s really going to be hard to see it end,’ reads a letter from producer Tony ‘Teesquared’ Tyson. ‘It has meant different things to each of us. For some it’s about combat. For others it’s about socializing, or crafting, or collecting, or decorating, or fishing, or adventuring, or more. For all of us, though, Galaxies is about sharing experiences with our friends.'”

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