YouTube Announces 100 New Channels

“Professional” Video Channels on YouTube? Apparently so.

YouTube Getting More Than 100 New Channels

“Google is launching more than 100 new YouTube channels with exclusive video content commissioned from media companies and celebrities.

Providers with their own channels will include Thomson Reuters, the Wall Street Journal, Slate, comedy magazine The Onion, Jay-Z, Ashton Kutcher, Deepak Chopra, Shaquille O’Neal (who will have a comedy channel), and Madonna (with a dance channel).

Sources familiar with the deal say that Google paid advances of more than $100 million to get this content. The artists will be able to earn it back through ad monetization over time. The model is similar to how record labels pay advances to artists, but in this case Google will be exercising no control over the creation or production of the content. It’s simply seeding the market.”

A full list of the partners is below:
Electus Channel – Pop Culture (name TBD)
PMC PMC Entertainment News
Young Hollywood Young Hollywood Network
DanceOn DanceOn (Madonna)
Fine Brothers Films MyMusic
Everyday Health, Inc. Everyday Health TV
TakePart™ TakePart™ TV
Digital Broadcasting Group (DBG) Spaces
Uncommon Content Partners The Conversation Channel
Demand Media eHow Home
SB Nation SB Nation
Magical Elves and InStyle magazine Little Black Dress
Hearst Magazines Channel – Fashion & Beauty Channel (name TBD)
Emil Rensing International Channel – Auto (name TBD)
My Damn Channel My Damn Channel: Live
Uncommon Content Partners Taste & Access
Red Bull Media House North America Red Bull
Machinima Machinima
Katalyst Thrash Lab (Ashton Kutcher)
Steve Spangler Science The Spangler Effect
New Nation Networks New Nation Networks
Smart Girls at the Party Smart Girls at the Party (Amy Poehler)
Bedrocket Media Ventures and Full Picture Productions Look TV
BermanBraun theLOGE
The Young Turks Town Square
BermanBraun & Rodale Inc. Vigor
Electus NuevOn – Latin Channel (Sofia Vergara)
Clevver Media ClevverStyle ModernMom Channel
Brady Haran DeepSkyVideos
IconicTV 123UnoDosTres
The Wall Street Journal The Wall Street Journal
Pharrell Williams i am OTHER
SoulPancake Productions SoulPancake (Rainn Wilson)
Chopra Media/Generate The Chopra Well (Deepak Chopra)
Clevver Media ClevverNews
The Bowery Presents The Bowery Presents
Clevver Media ClevverTeVe
Seedwell American Hipster
Hearst Magazines Car and Driver Television
Alchemy Networks Alchemy Networks
CafeMom CafeMom Studios
Bedrocket Media Ventures Channel – Comedy (name TBD)
Bedrocket Media Ventures Channel – Action Sports (name TBD)
FremantleMedia Channel – Pets & Animal (name TBD)
Big Frame BAM
IconicTV myISH
Electus Channel – Food (name TBD)
Soccer United Marketing & Bedrocket KickTV
Lionsgate Lionsgate Fitness Channel
East of Center Productions LLC YOMYOMF
EQAL u look haute!
Philip Defranco Sourcefed
Meredith Corporation and Meredith Video Studios Digs
Vlogbrothers CrashCourse
Walter Latham Digital Walter Latham’s “Kings of Comedy”
Tony Hawk’s production company, 900 Films, Inc. RIDE Channel
JON M. CHU Channel – Dance (name TBD)
Vuguru & POW! Entertainment Stan Lee’s World of Heroes
FAWN by Michelle Phan Fawn
DECA KinCommunity
Source Interlink Media Motor Trend
The Nerdist Channel The Nerdist Channel
Comedy Shaq Network The Comedy Shaq Network (Shaquille O’Neal)
Demand Media eHow Pets & Animals
Brady Haran numberphile
Cooking Up a Story Food Farmer Earth
Bleacher Report Bleacher Report
TED Conferences TEDEducation
Intelligent Television Intelligent Channel
Pitchfork Pitchfork TV
Vlogbrothers SciShow
Roadside Entertainment/BAC The NOC
Alli Sports Alli Sports
The Onion Onion Broadcasting Company
Smosh/Alloy Digital Smosh Animation (name TBD)
VICE Noisey
Knights of Good Productions Geek & Sundry
Mondo Media New Animators
BermanBraun & Rodale Inc. Taste
Varsity Pictures Awesomeness
Black Box TV Black Box TV (Anthony Zuicker, founder of CSI)
IGN Entertainment / Shine Group START Channel – Education (name TBD)
Frederator Networks Channel Frederator’s Cartoon Hangover
monotransistor werevertumorro
Thomson Reuters
Slate Slate News Channel
Maker Studios The Maker Music Network
Maker Studios The Moms’ View
Maker Studios Tutele
Noisey VICE
Iconic Life and Times (Jay-Z)

Fully Loaded Kindle’s Weigh More? Huh?

Apparently so. But we are talking only a very, very small difference. Less than the weight of a virus!

Kindle makes for heavy reading

“One of the original selling points of Amazon’s Kindle was that the device weighed no more than the average paperback. In the brave new world of the e-reader, bibliophiles could load their gadgets with the complete works of Proust, Tolstoy and Dickens without fear of spraining their wrists on their way to work.

So imagine the consternation among gadget fans when it emerged this week that the Kindle actually weighs more when it is fully loaded with books.

John Kubiatowicz, a computer scientist at the University of California, Berkeley, tackled this vital question for the New York Times. He explained that e-readers store data by trapping electrons, and while the number of electrons in the gadget’s memory does not change, it takes more energy to hold them in place than to leave them roaming free. How much more energy? Around a billionth of a microjoule for each bit of data stored.

Working from Einstein’s famous equation, which states that energy and mass are equivalent, Kubiatowicz worked out how much the weight of a Kindle might change as the books built up. He compared an empty four-gigabyte Kindle with a full one, in which half the electrons were trapped, requiring an extra 17 microjoules of energy.

Popped into Einstein’s formula, this gives an answer of around one attogram, meaning the weight of a full Kindle was a billionth of a billionth of a gram more than a factory-fresh one. Which isn’t so bad, considering that 10,000 books – a fraction a Kindle can hold – might weigh five tonnes. An attogram, very roughly, is one tenth the weight of a small virus.”

The Patent Office Approves Apple’s “Slide-to-Unlock” Patent

Ouch! This is bad for Apple mobile device competitors!

Patent Approved: Apple Now Owns “Slide to Unlock”

“Most touchscreen devices have some sort of slide-to-unlock function. Whether it’s up, down or side to side, a swift, predefined gesture is the way most of us unlock our touchscreen phones and tablets. However, it looks like any phone that does do this is infringing upon a patent owned by iPhone maker Apple.

9to5 Mac reports that the United States Patent and Trademark Office yesterday morning granted Apple approval on a patent an application covering ‘a predefined gesture for unlocking the device.’ Specifically, the patent lays out a scenario where the device is unlocked if contact with the display corresponds to a predefined gesture for unlocking the device:

‘The device displays one or more unlock images with respect to which the predefined gesture is to be performed in order to unlock the device. The performance of the predefined gesture with respect to the unlock image may include moving the unlock image to a predefined location and/or moving the unlock image along a predefined path.’

The application for this patent was filed in 2009, two years after the first iPhone was announced, and one year after the first Android phone hit the market. Though Apple has not yet mentioned anything about pursuing other companies that are now in violation of this patent, we doubt the company will waste any time in taking competitors to court over this one.”

Mozilla Delivers a Bing-ified Version of Firefox!

Ouch! Mozilla getting into bed with Microsoft?!? How far down have they come? Oh, the humanity!

Mozilla delivers Binged-up Firefox browser

“Mozilla has released a customised version of Firefox that defaults to Microsoft’s Bing.

The customised Firefox, released yesterday, sets Bing as your default search engine in the search box. AwesomeBar will also set as your home page. If Bing on Firefox is your thing, you can download it here. Existing Firefoxers can change by installing the Bing Search for Firefox Add-on.

In a brief announcement here, Mozilla said a Bing-flavoured version of its browser extends the partnership with Microsoft announced last year.

That Microsoft deal, announced in October 2010, saw Mozilla add Bing to a list of search-engine options in the pull-down menu. This allows you to switch from the traditional default, Google.

Before that users could manually add Bing to the menu.

Microsoft welcomed Wednesday’s Bing update to Firefox, saying: ‘Now Firefox users who are Bing enthusiasts can use Firefox with Bing to use the web the way they want without having to take extra steps to navigate or customise their settings to Bing.’

Under its 2010 deal with Microsoft, Mozilla signed a financial agreement with the software giant to share revenue based on traffic sent from Firefox to Bing.

Details were not released back then or this week. The Mozilla post announcing the Binged Firefox browser makes no mention of financials.

Mozilla has been slowly separating itself from Google for about a year.”

Android Now Market-Leader in App Downloads!

Oh, yeah! I knew it wouldn’t be long! Now, Android is the “app-download king!”

Android Blows Past Apple To Take The Lead In Market Share For App Downloads

“According to fresh data from ABI Research, more Android apps were downloaded in Q2 2011 than iOS apps.

Makes sense since Android is a bigger platform, but we think this is a first for the rival mobile platforms.

The good news for Apple: It still gets more downloads per user than Android.

And, ABI says, ‘Apple’s superior monetization policies attracted good developers within its ranks, thus creating a better catalog of apps and customer experience.’

This is key for Apple. As Android grows and grows, the iOS platform is put at risk. If developers start flocking to Android with its greater user base — or if developers just built Android apps first — then Apple’s software advantage dissapears. For now, developers are still happier with iOS despite the smaller user base and smaller number of total downloads.”

TPN Now Available on Samsung Smart TVs!

Woo hoo! Techpodcast Network shows (including Dr. Bill.TV!) are now available on Samsung Smart TVs! How cool is that?!? Todd said in an email to TPN content creators, “We are one of the very first to be on Samsung, Twit is not there, Revision Three is not there but we are.. The app will migrate to all devices in few days if you do not see it in your Samsung device.. This was a huge amount of work not only for the programming team but also the legal hurdles where significant.”

Tech Podcast Network Shows Available on Samsung Smart TV

“RawVoice, the pioneer in digital media production, hosting and dissemination, is proud to announce the addition of their Samsung Smart TV application for TVs and Blu-ray Players. The TechPodcast Network (TPN) App allows content creators to reach connected audiences that will watch and listen to the networks shows in their offices, dens, living rooms, bedrooms, and anywhere else they watch television.

‘We are excited to be on Samsung Smart TV and Blu-ray platform, and have taken care to make our app experience consistent across all media platforms, allowing consumers to easily switch from device to device to access our networks shows,’ said Todd Cochrane, CEO of RawVoice. ‘The Samsung App is just another extension to our arsenal of media distribution channels.’

Audiences can manage their playlists through the apps MyCast service, whether they have a TPN user account or not. Subscribing to a show is as easy as pressing the subscribe button.

The TPN Community App lets you:
-Navigate the menu system with ease using our MyCast feature to find new content while using TV remote control or while alternately managing your playlist in front of a computer.
-Check out ‘Editors Picks’ for a new selection of great shows each week on the tech topics you care about, ranging from tech news, gaming, platform news, etc.
-Find high quality child-safe shows. All shows featured on the Samsung App have qualified their shows through their account manager at
With the Samsung Smart TV Channel, TPN provides our members the ability to access new markets that reach a worldwide audience of all demographics.

RawVoice advertisers now have another channel to reach the exclusive audiences that watch the networks content.

Media companies looking to launch their own Samsung Smart TV app should contact RawVoice to develop and deploy their branded Internet-connected TV channel. RawVoice has deployed channel apps on a variety of devices including Roku, Boxee, Google TV, etc.

Tech Podcast Network is a community supported website dedicated to the promotion of technology by using the Internet. These initiatives include streaming, podcasting, and new technology delivery mechanisms. The content producers actively support the broader technology community with a wide variety of content related to technology subjects.

TPN is part of the RawVoice digital media community that also includes Blubrry, Pro Med and TravelCast networks. The RawVoice digital media community has led the way in fulfilling digital media distribution needs since 2004, enabling content creators to publish audio and video or blog content channels and manage users.

Will Android “Ice Cream Sandwich” Transform Your Phone Into A Game Console?

Maybe… depends on your phone’s hardware, but it may be possible!

Ice Cream Sandwich supports USB game controllers and HDMI, turns your phone into full game console

“Take that, Xperia Play. USB gamepads are already supported in Honeycomb, so we had plenty of hope that Android 4.0 — also lovingly referred to as Ice Cream Sandwich — would offer the same functionality. We finally have the answer, and it’s a resounding yes, courtesy of Google framework engineer Romain Guy’s Twitter account. The cool part, though, is that HDMI’s playing nice as well. In short, you could hook up an external gamepad to a USB-to-microUSB adapter on the Samsung Galaxy Nexus, connect it to your TV and transform your handset into a fancy portable gaming console. It’s definitely something we can see developers flock towards, and we’ll expect some cool stuff to come out of it. Just in case you thought the Nexus wouldn’t let you get anything else done around the house already, this pretty much seals the deal.

Google to Refresh Gmail Interface

Simplify, simplify, simplify! That seems to be the theme behind Google [upcoming refresh of the Gmail interface. Sounds good!

Google confirms Gmail’s pending makeover

“A YouTube video leaked on to the Web (subsequently deleted but since reposted) shows off the new interface for the Web giant’s e-mail service. Jason Cornwell, a user experience designer for Gmail, walks viewers through the major changes ahead.

A Google representative confirmed the video’s authenticity but declined to provide further details.

‘Oops, you weren’t supposed to see that,’ Google representative Andrea Freund told CNET. ‘Stay tuned, we’ll be sharing more info on Gmail’s new look soon.’

The new look is designed to be cleaner, simpler, and more intuitive, he said. One of the biggest changes is that the Gmail window will automatically adapt to whatever size the user chooses.

Conversations have been redesigned to ‘feel more like a real conversation,’ he said, noting that user profile pictures have been added next to their comments, similar to how many instant messaging and chat applications work.

Google is making the size of the label and chat areas on the left more flexible, he said. ‘Even if you do nothing, Gmail adapts to you,’ he said. Gmail has also overhauled search to make it more customizable.”

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