DC Comics Makes a Deal for Digital Distribution

DC Comics DigitalAnthony Ha at Techcrunch has a neat article about DC Comics Deal on Digital Comics. This is the future! No more paper. Kinda makes me nostalgic though!

DC Comics Announces Deals To Sell Digital Comics In Big Three E-Bookstores, Says Digital Sales Have Grown 197%

“DC Comics is announcing the next big step in its digital plans today, saying it will sell monthly comics in the Kindle Store, iBookstore, and Nook Book Store.

The company wasn’t exactly missing from those stores before, because it was already selling graphic novels. However, if you wanted the newest content, delivered on a monthly basis, just as you would find in a comic book store, you had to turn to ComiXology — either the ComiXology app or the official DC app, which the Time Warner-owned publisher created in partnership with ComiXology.

Hank Kanalz, DC’s senior vice president of digital, told me that he wants comics to be available on any platform where readers want to find them. He added that by integrating with the big e-bookstores, DC is allowing fans to ‘watch their movies, read their prose and their comics all in one device, in one library.’

The comics publishers have also been pretty cagey about their digital sales numbers, but DC is releasing a few data points today. It says that for the year to date, digital comic sales are up 197 percent year-over-year. The growth on that front isn’t too surprising, since the company only fully embraced the ‘day-and-date’ model (where comics are released on the same date in both physical and digital stores) in September 2011, tying in with its ‘New 52’ initiative, which saw all of its titles reset to No. 1. At the same time, Kanalz said that growth hasn’t come at the cost of print, where sales grew 12 percent over the same period. (The data points from last year include the launch of the New 52, so the company says it’s even doing well compared to the initial boost from its revamped titles.)

The data seems to back up a claim that Kanalz was making a year ago, that digital sales should expand the audience rather than lure readers away from comic book stores. He also said he’s encountered readers who actually buy both forms — for example if they buy the single issues digitally but want to own a physical copy of the collection, or if they treat their physical copies as collector’s items while actually reading the digital issues.

Kanalz added that digital’s percentage of overall sales varies from title to title, though it’s usually somewhere between 10 and 40 percent. In general, digital sales tend to follow the same patterns as physical ones, so that the top sellers are the same on both sides, he said. There’s also a bump in sales a month later, when DC drops the price by a dollar.

Even though digital sales are growing, Kanalz (a former comics writer himself) said DC’s writers and artists are still focused on print: ‘I still think print rules the roost as far as storytelling goes.’ However, he pointed out that DC is also releasing digital-only comics, which allow the company to be a little more experimental and responsive. Current titles include Arrow (which ties in to the new TV show of the same name) and Legends of the Dark Knight (a Batman comic with a landscape layout that seems perfectly designed for the iPad).”

Windows 8 Tip: Screen Shots

Do you copy your screen to illustrate something to someone, then paste it in something like the GIMP, then save it, and send it as an attachment, or whatever? Well, in Windows 8 you can now just do a “Windows key” plus the “PrtScn” key, and Windows 8 will not only screen shoot your whole screen, but also save it as a file! Cool shortcut!

A Roku Private Channel “List of Lists!”

Roku Digital Video Player starts at $59.99

So, you know I LOVE my Roku! In fact, part of the fun of my Roku box is that I like to find new, private channels! “Private Channels” are channels you can get on the Roku, that are not advertised as available in the “official” Roku Channel Store. But, they work, they are cool, and many of them are better than the published “official” channels!

You know that we have OUR OWN Official Roku Channel called “Dr. Bill Bailey.NET” that is available in the Roku Channel Store, and with the code word: “DrBillTV”. So, how would you add that channel? Go to your Roku account on the web, login, then go to this address:


Enter the Roku Channel code word, then click on the “Add Channel” button! Then, go to your Roku box, enter the Roku Channel Store via the icon in the Channel Line-up, and then exit back “up” to the main level, this will force an “update” of your box. You will then see your new channel!

So, here’s my “List of Lists” that I use to find cool, new Roku Private, or “Hidden” Channels!







Enjoy finding hidden Roku Channels!

Disney is Buying Lucasfilm!

Darth MickeyFirst it was the Muppets, then Marvel comics, now Star Wars and Indiana Jones! Zowie! Disney seems to be buying up everything! But, the big news for me is that there will be a follow-on series of three more Star Wars movies with Luke, Leia and Han! Cool beans! Can haz more Star Wars? Apparently so! Rock on!

The deal is rumored to be a 4 plus billion (with a “b”) dollar deal. So, expect to see George Lucas in a solid gold humvee soon (with apologies to “Weird Al Yankovik!”) Disney CEO Robert Iger was quoted as saying: “This is one of the great entertainment properties of all time, one of the best branded and one of the most valuable, and it’s just fantastic for us to have the opportunity to both buy it, run it and grow it. We really like Star Wars’ potential on TV as well and we think (cable-satellite channel) Disney XD will be a great home for that.”

So, Disney XD Star Wars TV? I am up for that as well. Just do it right, Disney!

Talk About Service! New Features for ClassicShell!

Just because I thought about them! Well, OK, not really… but this is awesome! I was thinking how cool it would be if the new-style Windows 8 apps were listed in a separate menu WITHIN ClassicShell! And bang, a new version was announced (right in ClassicShell itself!) Here’s what they say: “It adds some missing features to Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8 – like a classic start menu, start button, a toolbar for Windows Explorer and others.” Yes, but it also adds in the new Windows 8 software (like the Kindle viewer, etc.) and zowie! There is is! So cool!

New YouTube Viewing Option for Roku Users!

Thanks to the folks at the Roku Channel list available at: https://mkvxstream.blogspot.com for this email:

Hi Dr. Bill,

In reference to your post there is now a nice working 3rd party solution to watch YouTube videos on Roku with a new Roku channel (private) “channel code” VideoBuzz

This has replaced the old RateRix channel which offered a limited workaround.

We recently added your channel to our list and would really appreciate a mention of our website mkvxstream.com and our large Roku Channel list on your site.



Upgrade to Windows 8 Pro for $39.99

So… will you do it? Reckon I will.

Upgrade to Windows 8 Pro for $39.99

“We set out to make it as easy as possible for everyone to upgrade to Windows 8. Starting at general availability, if your PC is running Windows XP, Windows Vista, or Windows 7 you will qualify to download an upgrade to Windows 8 Pro for just $39.99 in 131 markets. And if you want, you can add Windows Media Center for free through the ‘add features’ option within Windows 8 Pro after your upgrade.

When you use Windows.com to purchase an upgrade to Windows 8 Pro, the Windows 8 Upgrade Assistant makes upgrading simple by walking you through the upgrade process step-by-step from purchase to download and then of course installation.

The Windows 8 Upgrade Assistant will check to make sure your PC is ready for Windows 8. It will provide a detailed compatibility report that lets you know of anything you may have to address before or after the upgrade and outlines actions to take.

It will also inform you of any application or device compatibility issues. It will ask you what you want to keep from your current Windows installation. You will be able to upgrade from any consumer edition of Windows 7 to Windows 8 Pro and bring everything along which includes your Windows settings, personal files, and apps. If you are upgrading from Windows Vista, you will be able to bring along your Windows settings and personal files, and if you are upgrading from Windows XP you will only be able to bring along your personal files. Of course, if you want to start fresh, you can choose to bring nothing along. Or if you prefer to format your hard drive as part of your upgrade experience, you can do so as long as you boot from media and then format your hard drive from within the setup experience for installing Windows 8, not prior to it.

Once you purchase your upgrade, the Windows 8 Upgrade Assistant kicks off your download. It has a built-in download manager that allows you to pause and continue your download at any time as well as a check to ensure your download completes successfully.

After your download finishes, you can choose to proceed with the upgrade (‘Install now’) or install later either from your desktop or by creating your own media. If you choose to create your own media, you will be able to create your own bootable USB or .ISO file which can be burned onto a DVD for upgrade and backup purposes. If you prefer, you also have the option of purchasing a backup DVD for $15 plus shipping and handling.”

Has Ubuntu Gone Too Far? How to Remove the Ubuntu Amazon Ads!

I have been pondering the integration of Amazon into Ubuntu (which we saw during the demo install that I did on the last Netcast, number 261.) I am OK with an additional icon, but showing recommendations for purchase when you do a search on your desktop for applications? That is a step too far! Don’t get me wrong. I am all for Canonical making money, and monetizing an Open Source project is a challenge, but there comes a point that it is just TOO obtrusive! So, in the interest of preserving my sanity, and yours… here’s how to remove the Dash ads in Ubuntu 12.10:

1) Open a Terminal Session
2) Type in:

sudo apt-get remove unity-lens-shopping

3) Enter your password
4) Poof! The ads are gone!

So there, Canonical! Let’s be a bit more discerning out there, huh? Linux geeks will only put up with so much!

What Are The Obstacles to HTML5 Living Up To It’s Potential?

This is a GREAT article from SD Times by Alex Handy that explains in detail the issues with HTML5 adoption!

What’s left for HTML5?

“HTML5 is a big specification, but the snapshot agreed upon this summer by the W3C offers a chance to assess the evolution until now. After five years of development as a specification, and various degrees of adoption from the browser makers, what do developers want from the still in-motion specification?

One area where work needs to be done is testing, said Jonas Jacobi, CEO of Kaazing. He added that this was one of the big problems for the W3C.

‘This is one of the criticisms raised by the Facebook team in a recent post to the W3C’s public channel,’ he said. ‘The lack of testing and good developer tools for the HTML5 feature set, including CSS3 and WebSocket, is an obstacle to rapidly create HTML5 applications. However, many companies are working to improve this experience.’

This is compounded by the fact that browser makers are implementing HTML5 on their own schedules, said Jacobi.

‘Those browser implementations are the real problem point for developers,’ he added. ‘One of the primary purposes of HTML5 is to improve browser compatibility in hope of reducing the burden of dealing with multiple different interpretations of HTML from browser to browser. We also have to remember that HTML5 specifications, plus standards that are closely associated with HTML5 such as CSS3 and WebSocket, are a substantial task to implement in their entirety. Browser vendors are currently racing to implement HTML5, but there are no rules about when to implement it; it is up to each vendor to decide. Until browsers have implemented a majority of the HTML5 features we are most likely to use, there will be gaps.’

And the term ‘browsers’ doesn’t just mean desktop applications anymore. With mobile applications and Web access near ubiquitous in the modern development world, HTML5 has to shoulder a double presentation burden for both the large and small screen. And this has been another complaint from Facebook: HTML5 development for mobile applications, said Mark Zuckerberg, founder of Facebook, is inferior to native.

Outside of Facebook, however, PhoneGap is a popular solution for porting applications to HTML5. With Adobe now shepherding that framework, and the Apache Foundation holding the open-source core of the project as Project Cordova, many developers now rely on the framework.

Ben Forta, director of developer relations at Adobe, said that Adobe’s focus for PhoneGap is now on tooling. Instead of turning PhoneGap itself into a commercial product, Adobe has decided to build an ecosystem around it. This ecosystem will address pain points, such as build.

To that end, PhoneGap Build was launched in September, offering a cloud-based build service hosted by Adobe. Rather than install all the various SDKs for the different mobile platforms and keep them up to date, PhoneGap Build allows developers to build their applications in the cloud, using an always up-to-date set of SDKs and tools.

Indeed, Jacobi believed that PhoneGap is a great way to create mobile apps. ‘We have seen the trend swing back and forth multiple times already, and again, it comes down to your individual needs,’ he said. ‘For the majority of companies looking to support mobile platforms, HTML5 will be more than enough. If you use technology such as Apache Cordova to build your HTML5 application, the user experience will be very close to an application developed completely in native code.’

Playing with the Web

Another major aspect of HTML5 is its new graphical rendering capabilities. From WebGL’s 3D rendering technology, to Canvas’ ability to place complex animations and scalable vector graphics onto Web pages, the opportunity to programmatically render graphical interfaces and games within the browser has grown tremendously with HTML5. One company that’s pushing the boundaries on what HTML5 can do is YoYo Games, the creator of the introductory yet powerful game development IDE, GameMaker.

Traditionally, GameMaker has been a Windows-only development environment, both for building games in the IDE and for deploying them to playable binaries. But after a recent purchase of the company and a reworking of the GameMaker platform, YoYo Games is now able to export GameMaker games into HTML5.

Mike Dailly, head of development at YoYo Games, said that the WebGL and WebAudio implementations that are in browsers now need a bit of work. He said their maturation is needed, but that the experience was pleasant overall.

“The HTML5 engine part is pretty straightforward,” said Dailly. ‘We do some clever bits to speed things up. Most of the smarts is in how we take GameMaker games and translate them into HTML5. From a development point of view, what you want from an engine is something that draws sprites to the screen, which HTML5 has.’

That’s not to say the specification had everything needed for this project. ‘We cheat an awful lot because HTML5 doesn’t give us everything we need,” said Dailly. “We dynamically make new images, cache them, and do every pixel by hand. Most of the core parts, like canvas and draw sprite, are static. There are bugs, but the actual core I/O elements are pretty steady. WebGL and WebAudio need to mature a bit. Joystick support is only in Chrome, but coming to Firefox. When it starts to spread, we’ll look to implement it. There’re a lot of bits people have thrown in for specific browsers. We tend not to support those.'”

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