Dr. Bill – The Podcast – For this Week #21

The Doctor is in a weird mood… share it with him!

Dr. Bill Podcast – 21 – (01/28/06)
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Geek Software of the Week: Naomi – Internet Blocking Software, WINE and recursive acronyms, Yahoo gives up on Search Engine dominance, Red Hat to release Red Hat Linux for MacBook Pro – why?, with lot’s of time left on the podcast… Dr. Bill reads ACTUAL warning labels from common objects. Can you stand it?!

Yahoo Gives Up Search Engine “Chase!”

Yahoo, Google… Google, Yahoo. Who is better at actual search engine dominance? Well, Yahoo has decided not to “play” anymore for the “honor” of top search site. Rather, they are re-directing thier efforts in other areas. How will this play out?

Yahoo Cedes Search to Google

We will have to see what this means in the long run… as Google is “diversifying” as well. But, I find it interesting that Yahoo is coming out and saying this!

Do Windows Apps Run Faster on Wine?

WINE is a recursive acronym for “WINE Is Not an Emulator.” Linux and UNIX folks love doing that! What WINE allows a user to do is run Windows applications under Linux. It doesn’t work on all Windows apps, but it does for many… and it is getting better! But, could it possibly run FASTER on WINE than natively on Windows? Well, check this out!

WINE Runs Faster?

WINE impliments the Windows API under Linux… perhaps Linux coders have been able to do it better than Windows programmers. Either way, it is pretty cool!

Geek Software of the Week: Naomi

The recent post about the Bush Administration wanting Google search info to fight porn on the Internet, prompts this find for our Geek Software of the Week. For all you parents that want to block bad sites on the Internet… it can be EXPENSIVE! But, never fear! There is a FREE software package that is actually pretty neat! It is small, doesn’t drag down system performance, and effectively blocks sites by shutting down the browser (or other application) that accesses certain contect:

Naomi Internet Filter

“Naomi is able to constantly monitor all internet connections, protecting children from inappropriate online material – such as obscene or violent contents; pornography, pedophilia and erotism in the form of images or texts; sites that popularize drugs; gambling games; terrorism; hate propaganda; occultism; sects; blasphemy, etc.

Naomi does not rely on a simple list of banned sites; instead, it examines in real-time all the data being transmitted and received through any internet application – such as web browers, chat programs, news readers, etc.

The filtering technology employed in Naomi features:

  • Heuristic analysis capable of recognizing new material automatically.
  • Semantic analysis of web pages contents and analysis of their addresses and links.
  • Recognizes all the major languages (10+).
  • Recognizes ICRA labelling system.
  • Monitoring is not limited to web sites, but covers the whole local internet traffic.
  • Works with all service providers and software applications, and does not alter settings.
  • Allows blocking of file-sharing applications.
  • Password-protected (the password is chosen during the installation).
  • Easy to use: does not require configuration.
  • Can be used on slow connections (it does not perform any download in background).”
  • New Dr. Bill Podcast at your disposal! #20

    The very latest Dr. Bill Podcast, for your edification!
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    New Skype Version (2.0) wins over critics, Steve Gibson finds a “back door” in Windows via the WMF exploit, very cool “404 page” on the net!, detailed view on stopping web browser hijacking, good tips!, new Blog festure provides tech news from BetaNews, the IEEE passes a draft of the new 802.11n standard to provide 600 MBps wireless!, hi res photo of the New Horizons Pluto probe liftoff, the Bush Administration vs. Google and web privacy, cute IBM Linux cartoons in Flash on the web!

    Bush Administration vs. Google

    I know we have to track the bad guys and look for porn pushers… BUT, this one does bug me. And, I am a tried and true conservative, make no mistake. I admire President Bush and support the war on terror, as well as a tracking down and prosecuting porn pushers… but, I am a privacy advocate as well. Being conservative, Christian and a supporter of on-line privacy and personal privacy is NOT a contradiction. There has to be a way to get the intel and track the bad guys and preserve our individual privacy as well. I don’t have the answer to this one, though.

    Bush vs. Google on Privacy Issues

    Stay tuned. This one is going to be VERY interesting!

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