ASUS Transformer Duet!

ASUS DuetOkay, this past week Techpodcast Network covered CES 2014. There were a lot of cool, geeky devices that they uncovered in their awesome coverage which we carried right here on the website. This device was one of the things that was unveiled at CES, it is the Asus “Transformer Duet.” Why “Duet?” Because this laptop which is also a tablet runs both Android and Windows 8.x; how cool is that! So, you can plug the tablet into the keyboard unit, use it as a laptop, un-dock the screen from the keyboard unit, and use it as a tablet. While it is docked in the keyboard unit you can touch a button that will toggle you between Android and Windows in less than 4 seconds!

This gives you multiple functionality both from the software side, the operating systems, and from the physical side, a tablet, or a laptop. This is very cool! Because this put you a point that perhaps, this one device can do it all! That is, be your desktop/laptop, and your tablet both in the Android world and in the Windows world. Can it be this powerful and flexible? I suppose time will tell will have to get one in our hand to see if it really works as they designed it!

From the ASUS web site:

Quad-mode, dual-OS laptop and tablet with Instant Switch
ASUS Transformer Book Duet (TD300) is an extremely capable device that is able to function as an Android or Windows 8.1 tablet or notebook. Users can simply switch operating systems with a single push of the Instant Switch button or a virtual key on the tablet.

By offering both operating systems, ASUS provides users the ability to run supported Android applications and a vast array of native Windows applications. Transformer Book Duet features a powerful Intel Core i7 processor with Intel HD graphics and 4G DDR3L 1600 RAM, giving it performance that’s up to twice as fast as existing tablets powered by ARM® processors.

The patented ASUS technology that powers Instant Switch offers many performance and productivity benefits over other dual-OS solutions, such as fast, smooth and seamless switching and the ability to resume each OS from where the user left off. As it does not use OS virtualization, Instant Switch also allows each OS to harness the full power of Intel’s latest processor technology.”

RokuTV Introduced!

Roku demostrated their new RokuTV at CES! This is exciting news! Fortune magazine says it will “save the company.” Well… I don’t think Roku was in trouble anyway, but it will certainly “cement” their success!

Roku to make line of connected TVs

(CNN) — An awful lot of companies have tried to figure out how to make consumers want to stream Internet video in the living room.

One of the few to have succeeded is Roku, whose cheap little boxes offer easy access to 1,200 channels of content, from biggies such as Netflix, Amazon and HBO Go to stuff you never knew existed. The company has sold 8 million boxes, which have been used to watch 1.7 billion hours of video to date.

At this year’s CES show in Las Vegas, Roku’s big news is that it’s going to be possible to watch those 1,200 channels without even paying for and hooking up that cheap little box. It’s going to work with TV companies to build Roku TVs.

Roku will design the entire interface, as well as the super-simple remote control; essentially, it’ll be as if a Roku box sprouted a gigantic screen.

(This is, by the way, Roku’s second pass at partnering up with TV builders: The first is the Roku Streaming Stick, a tiny doohickey designed to be bundled with TVs.)

The first two TV makers Roku is working with are two Chinese companies: TCL and Hisens. Considering their low profiles in the U.S, that doesn’t sound like a big whoop, but the two Chinese manufacturers are the third and fifth largest TV producers globally, according to Roku. And both see built-in Roku as a way to raise their profile in the U.S. market.

Anthony Wood, Roku’s founder and CEO, told me that TCL and Hisense are just the start. Designing Internet TV software and services and signing up content partners is such a major undertaking that he sees Roku TV as an appealing proposition for every TV producer except Samsung.

‘Our goal is to be the platform for TV,’ he says.

These first two companies plan to ship Roku TVs in a variety of sizes from 32 inches to 55 inches this fall. Pricing will be announced later, but ‘we think that smart TV features should be in every TV for essentially the same price,’ Wood told me. ‘I’m sure there will be some small premium at the beginning.’

CentOS Goes Under the Red Hat Banner!

Wow! Wow. CentOS is my favorite free Open Source business grade distro. It has ALWAYS been Red Hat with all the Red Hat logos removed. And now… it is official!

Red Hat incorporates ‘free’ Red Hat clone CentOS

ZDNet By Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols – “If you use Linux to host your Web servers and run your Internet edge services, chances are you’re using CentOS. This Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) clone has long been popular with hosting companies, data centers, and businesses that had in-house Linux expertise and so didn’t need to pay for Red Hat’s RHEL support. For practical purposes this let them use RHEL without paying for it. On January 7th, things changed.

Red Hat, and the CentOS Project announced they were joining forces to build a new CentOS, capable of driving forward development and adoption of next-generation open source technologies. No, it’s not April 1st. This is really happening.

First things first. If your company is already using CentOS… Do Not Freak Out. Red Hat is not going to start charging you for using CentOS. CentOS will continue to be an independent distribution with community, not paid, support. Of course, if you want paid support after using CentOS, Red Hat will be more than happy to make you a paying RHEL customer.

As Red Hat explained in a FAQ, ‘CentOS is a community project that is developed, maintained, and supported by and for its users and contributors. RHEL is a subscription product that is developed, maintained, and supported by Red Hat for its subscribers.’

The company continued, ‘The two also have very different focuses. While CentOS delivers a distribution with strong community support, Red Hat Enterprise Linux provides a stable enterprise platform with a focus on security, reliability, and performance as well as hardware, software, and government certifications for production deployments. Red Hat also delivers training, and an entire support organization ready to fix problems and deliver future flexibility by getting features worked into new versions.’

What is different now is that Red Hat won’t be keeping CentOS at arm’s length anymore. Instead, the company is ‘extending the Red Hat open-source development ecosystem. Red Hat anticipates that taking a role as a catalyst within the CentOS community will enable it to accelerate development of enterprise-grade subscription solutions for customers and partners, such as RHEL, RHEL OpenStack Platform, Red Hat Cloud Infrastructure, Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization, Red Hat JBoss Middleware, OpenShift by Red Hat, and Red Hat Storage.’

Red Hat will be contributing its resources and expertise in building open-source communities to the new CentOS Project to give it a roadmap, broaden opportunities for participation, open pathways for contribution, and provide new ways for CentOS users and contributors to bring the power of open-source innovation to all areas of the software stack.

Indeed, ‘With Red Hat’s contributions and investment, the CentOS Project will be able to expand and accelerate, serving the needs of community members who require different or faster-moving components layered on top of CentOS, expanding on existing efforts to collaborate with open source projects such as OpenStack, RDO, Gluster, OpenShift Origin, and oVirt.’

Brian Stevens, Red Hat’s executive vice president and chief technology officer, said:

‘It is core to our beliefs that when people who share goals or problems are free to connect and work together, their pooled innovations can change the world. We believe the open source development process produces better code, and a community of users creates an audience that makes code impactful. Cloud technologies are moving quickly, and increasingly, that code is first landing in Red Hat Enterprise Linux. Today is an exciting day for the open source community; by joining forces with the CentOS Project, we aim to build a vehicle to get emerging technologies like OpenStack and big data into the hands of millions of developers.’

Stephen O’Grady, RedMonk’s principal analyst added in a statement that ‘Though it will doubtless come as a surprise, this move by Red Hat represents the logical embrace of an adjacent ecosystem. Bringing the CentOS and Red Hat communities closer together should be a win for both parties.’

So here’s what the Red Hat operating system family is going to look like going forward:

  • Commercial development and deployment: Red Hat Enterprise Linux, the world’s leading enterprise Linux platform, offering an extensive ecosystem of partners, a comprehensive portfolio of certified hardware and software offerings, and Red Hat’s award winning support, consulting, and training services. Red Hat subscriptions deliver this value combined with access to the industry’s most extensive ecosystem of partners, customers, and Linux experts to support and accelerate success.
  • Community integration beyond the operating system: CentOS, a community-supported and produced Linux distribution that draws on Red Hat Enterprise Linux and other open source technologies to provide a platform that’s open to variation. CentOS provides a base for community adoption and integration of open source cloud, storage, network, and infrastructure technologies on a Red Hat-based platform.
  • Operating system innovation across the stack: Fedora, a community-supported and produced Linux distribution that makes it easy for users to consume and contribute to leading-edge open source technologies from the kernel to the cloud. As a cutting edge development platform where every level of the stack is open to revision and improvement, Fedora will continue to serve as the upstream project on which future Red Hat Enterprise Linux releases are based.

Robyn Bergeron, the Fedora project leader, underlined in her blog post that Fedora’s role at Red Hat will not be changing. ‘The new relationship between Red Hat and the CentOS Project changes absolutely nothing about how the Fedora Project will work, or affect the role that Fedora fulfills in Red Hat’s production of RHEL. Fedora will continue to set the standard for developing and incorporating the newest technological innovations in the operating system; those innovations will continue to make their way downstream, both into RHEL, CentOS, and many other -EL derivatives.’

While this is a big change for Red Hat, CentOS, and Fedora, it’s not one to be frightened of. It really is a move that, I think, will benefit everyone in the Red Hat Linux family — from developers to users to system administrators to business customers.”

Vimeo Introduces a New, Faster Video Player!

[vcvv id=76979871 w=544 h=306]

Watch the video above for details! This is a cool, fast, new player!

“It may look (mostly) the same on the surface, but under the hood we totally rebuilt our player. Here’s a quick rundown of some of the coolest new features:

  • Lightning fast playback
  • Redesigned Share screen
  • Closed caption and subtitle compatible
  • HTML5 by default
  • Purchase-from-player functionality for embedded Vimeo On Demand trailers
  • More responsive than ever (go ahead, re-size it, we dare you!!!)

We’re really proud of these updates. So proud that we made a spiffy new page to showcase all the reasons why we have the best video player in the galaxy. Check it out here:
In short, this is a player that even haters can love.”

Dr. Bill.TV #321 – Video – “The Linux Wins Big-Time Edition!”

It was a Linux-y Christmas this year! Windows 8.x passes 10% market share, Windows XP falls below 30%, AOL sells Winamp and Shoutcast to Radionomy, Two Thumbs Up Media a great podcast directory! NC city councilman resigns in Klingon! GSotW:TinyTask!

Links that pertain to this Netcast:

TechPodcasts Network

International Association of Internet Broadcasters

Blubrry Network

Dr. Bill Bailey.NET

TinyTask – A Freeware Task Automation Tool

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Dr. Bill.TV #321 – Audio – “The Linux Wins Big-Time Edition!”

It was a Linux-y Christmas this year! Windows 8.x passes 10% market share, Windows XP falls below 30%, AOL sells Winamp and Shoutcast to Radionomy, Two Thumbs Up Media a great podcast directory! NC city councilman resigns in Klingon! GSotW:TinyTask!

Links that pertain to this Netcast:

TechPodcasts Network

International Association of Internet Broadcasters

Blubrry Network

Dr. Bill Bailey.NET

TinyTask – A Freeware Task Automation Tool

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Geek Software of the Week: TinyTask!

TinyTaskHave you ever had to do mindless, repetive things over and pover on your computer? Have you ever wanted to just turn on a piece of software, have it record all your keystokes, then play them back quickly? Well now you can!

This super tiny, no-install piece of software does just that, for FREE!

TinyTask – A Freeware Task Automation Tool

“Our most popular freeware, TinyTask provides quick & easy automation by recording/playback. It is a case study in minimalist programming: the entire program is only 33k — and over 14k are graphics, which means the executable portion is very small and efficient. It is used as the test harness for the “Recording” feature of vTask Studio.

New: now includes an EXE compiler! Turn your recordings into standalone programs. If you were stranded on a deserted island, this is the one program you would want.

There’s no installer, required files, or anything unnecessary; just a tiny program, which doesn’t touch your registry or system folders. Enjoy!”

NC City Councilman Pens Resignation Letter in Klingon

Klingon KouncilmanUh huh. A Klingon City Councilman… hummmm… I think we need more, not less!

NC City councilman pens resignation letter in Klingon

Cnet – “It takes a special kind of politician to end his term by signing a resignation letter ‘chaq DaHjaj QaQ jaj paj.’ That’s ‘maybe today is a good day (to) resign.’ In Klingon.

David Waddell, a city councilman for Indian Trail, N.C., decided to send his resignation letter to Mayor Michael Alvarez written in Klingon as an inside joke. ‘Folks don’t know what to think of me half the time,’ Waddell told The Charlotte Observer. ‘So I might as well have one last laugh.’

The politician used the Klingon translator on in case the mayor wasn’t fluent in the well-known ‘Star Trek’ language. In fact, Waddell didn’t just write his resignation using standard Klingon, he chose the beautiful, pointy-looking written Klingon language of Kronos.

As a ‘Star Trek’ fan, Waddell must have known that Klingons are more about action and less about talk. So it makes sense that he’d resign from a position that undoubtedly required having to endure endless council meetings. After all, SuvmeH ‘ej charghmeH bogh tlhInganpu — ‘Klingons are born to fight and conquer,’ not debate.

Waddell is resigning from his first term on the board as of January 31. Originally, his four-year seat would have expired in December 2015. According to The Charlotte Observer, Waddell left his post early because he was frustrated with how citizens’ requests for public information were addressed.”

Having Problems Looking For Good Podcasts and Netcasts?

Most folks looking for podcasts go to iTunes. And, don’t get me wrong, you can find a good selection there. But, other than that, most podcast directories are clunky, out of date, and generally not easy to use. Not so with this one! It is called “Two Thumbs Up Media” and it is available at this URL:

It was created by fellow TechPodcasts Network podcasters at Waves of Tech. Check it out for great podcasts!

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