Linux Mint 20 Will Drop the Ubuntu Snap Store!

Linux MintRemember, I said that Linux folk don’t care for Snap? Well, Linux Mint is based on Ubuntu Linux, BUT they are stripping all of Snap out of the new Linux Mint version 20. The beta release is out now. And, they are “protecting you” from Snap! To be fair, they are responding to the user base!

Do you want to remove Snap from your already installed system? Do this:

First check if you have any snaps installed. If you do you should write them down and try installing them with apt.

snap list
No snaps are installed yet. Try ‘snap install hello-world’.

Now, you’re ready to remove snapd

sudo apt remove –purge snapd gnome-software-plugin-snap

Once it’s removed you can block it from being reinstalled via apt:

sudo cat << EOF > /etc/apt/preferences.d/snapd
Package: snapd
Pin: origin *
Pin-Priority: -1

You are now safe from being a Snap user! Too strong? OK, maybe so!