Jitsi: An Open Source Alternative to Zoom!

Zoom Conferencing has taken a lot of hits for security issues of late. And, rightly so! There is a great Open Source alternative called Jitsi, that you should look into!

Jitsi Open Source Conferencing

Multi-platform Open-Source Video conferencing

At Jitsi, we believe every video chat should look and sound amazing, between two people or 200. Whether you want to build your own massively multi-user video conference client, or use ours, all our tools are 100% free, open source, and WebRTC compatible.

Go ahead, video chat with the whole team. In fact, invite everyone you know. Jitsi Meet is a fully encrypted, 100% open source video conferencing solution that you can use all day, every day, for free — with no account needed.

Jitsi ConferencingWhat else can you do with Jitsi Meet?

  • Share your desktop, presentations, and more
  • Invite users to a conference via a simple, custom URL
  • Edit documents together using Etherpad
  • Pick fun meeting URLs for every meeting
  • Trade messages and emojis while you video conference, with integrated chat.