Ajit Pai Cancels CES Speech

Ajit PaiFCC chairman Ajit Pai has announced that he will not be speaking at CES 2018 as he was originally scheduled, due to death threats relating to his championing the repeal of rules regarding Net Neutrality. He and his family received death threats regarding this appearance, and there had been many prior to this event as well.

I am entirely sympathetic to the danger that he and his family are in, and certainly don’t blame him for changing his plans. This does, however, point out how many people have been energized, even in this extremely negative fashion, over the issue of Net Neutrality.

It is certainly my hope that Congress will address this with new laws that will ensure true Net Neutrality in the future. Large Internet providers, like Comcast, are already creating “fast lanes” for their services and charging people for them. This is exactly what was predicted would happen if the Net Neutrality rules were scaled-back.