Today’s Important Router Tip

Linksys RouterAre you ready for a good tip about your Internet connection? This is going to sound really weird! But, think about it, your Internet router is actually just a computer. It may be running a proprietary operating system, it may be based on Linux, who knows? In any case, computers don’t run forever without running into an error. And, what do you do when a computer encounters an error? You restart it! So, the best thing you can do is occasionally restart your router on a regular, controlled, basis! Say, every month or so. If you do it in a planned fashion, you won’t be caught off guard when your router quits working.

I know this sounds silly, but if you make it part of your regular computer maintenance, like doing your backups and keeping a backup off-site (and I know you do that, right?) Then, your Internet connection will be solid and life will be good… Because we all need a good Internet connection, it is a function of life! Or, at least it is in these modern days… Am I right?