Geek Software of the Week: Why Can’t I Connect?

Diagnose your connection issues!

Why Can’t I Connect?

“‘Why Can’t I Connect?’ is a network diagnostic tool that makes it easier to resolve TCP/IP connection errors. Use it to diagnose connections to common server types (Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL Server, FTP, SFTP, IMAP, POP3, SMTP, IRC, LDAP, Usenet) and create generic TCP/IP clients and / or servers. Maybe a firewall is blocking the requested port, the port isn’t listening, DNS isn’t returning the expected address, DHCP hasn’t supplied a local IP address, the WiFi login isn’t complete… The application will step through the connection process, resolving all IP addresses, displaying all sent and received messages in both hexadecimal and ascii. Any errors will be reported with possible causes for the error. ‘Why Can’t I Connect?’ is a DIAGNOSTIC TOOL ONLY. It will find the root cause of the error but it will not, apart from incomplete WiFi / wired network logins, attempt to repair the connection. The application is intended for users with some network experience or users who wish to be able to supply technical details to a help desk. There is currently support for Windows and Linux operating systems.

The ‘Why Can’t I Connect?’ Android companion app is now available at Google play and the Amazon Appstore.

Windows install executables, rpms, and debians are available as well as source code. There is language support for Chinese (simplified character set), Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, French, German, Hindi, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, and Spanish. Visit the Quick Tour for screenshots and an overview of ‘Why Can’t I Connect?’. Visit Help / Instructions for a more detailed explanation of the functionality. Visit the Knowledge Base to find useful information, make requests, report bugs, ask questions, and view solutions.”