Ubuntu Linux is Ten Years Old!

Ubuntu LinuxA major milestone anniversary this week for Ubuntu Linux! Wow! It is now the third most popular Operating System, behind Windows and Mac OS/X!

OpenSource.com – “What a difference a decade makes. As Scott Gilbertson writes at Ars Technica, Ubuntu arrived on the scene with little fanfare. Now, there are ’25 million Ubuntu users worldwide. That makes Ubuntu the world’s third most popular PC operating system,’ according to Gilbertson. But with the wide-spread adoption and acclaim has come quite a bit criticism from a number of corners. As Gilbertson points out, ‘violating unwritten Linux taboos became something of an Ubuntu sport over the years. And the critics were there at every turn.’ That hasn’t slowed Ubuntu and Canonical down. The distribution is widely considered to be the public face of Linux, and now it’s moving into mobile. It should be interesting to see where Ubuntu is heading in the next 10 years.”