Benedict Cumberbatch as Doctor Strange?

Benedict CumberbatchThis idea was floated this week that Benedict Cumberbatch might be cast as Doctor Strange. I thought it was a great pick, but apparently, I am in the minority according to Twitter! Many fans apparently said that Cumberbatch as Khan in Star trek, as Sherlock, etc. was too much! Many said that he were officially chosen to play Doctor Strange, they would boycott the movie! Wow! Come on, guys! He just plain looks like Strange! I would think it would be akin to Robert Downey, Jr. playing Iron man… a no-brainer! Oh well!

Also, there were the calls to make Doctor Strange a “person of color” on Twitter. Odd, given that he looks Caucasian in the comic book. There were those that suggested Pedro Pascal to play Doctor Strange. Pascal is from Chile, and does have “the look” to play the character. However, since the first announcement that Cumberbatch was a “possible” it seems that the news is that it has firmed up, and that he will play Doctor Strange. I guess we will see!