Happy Pi Day!

No, not “pie,” but “pi” – that mathematical symbol we all know and love! March 14th is “Pi Day!” (Get it? 3/14? Yeah.) So, celebrate by watching “Closet Cases of the Nerd Kind!” A classic weird scfi parody of “Close Encounters of the Third Kind.” You’ll see why! Never seen it? Then I have a treat for you! Watch it HERE:

Be patient and watch the WHOLE thing! (It is under 13 minutes, you can do it!) It is HIGHLY silly! (Can’t stand it? Skip ahead to 7:50 to get the joke!)

And, just for good measure, and for no particular reason, here’s Ernie Fosselius’ other grand master stroke of a movie, the great “HARDWARE WARS!” (“You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you’ll kiss three bucks goodbye! Get in line now!”)

This the Special Edition, with enhanced special defects!