Happy 25th Anniversary to The World Wide Web!

To slightly misquote the Beatles at the beginning of “Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band,” “It was 25 years ago today, that Sir Tim Berners Lee taught the ‘net to play!” OK, that was lame, and it was yesterday that the 25th Anniversary actually occurred, but hey! I’m trying! Keep in mind that the World Wide Web, which Sir Tim came up with, is NOT the Internet, it is actually riding on top of the Internet. It is the whole hyperlink thang!

The idea came to him when he was working at CERN in Geneva. He wrote a paper called: “Information Management: A Proposal.” It didn’t sound exciting, but it was! Sir Tim says that after 25 years, he just would like to see the World Wide Web free, and available to all! So say we all, Sir Tim!