An Important Update to Plex!

Plex is an app that has long been able to stream media from a media server PC on your network. The people behind Plex have now given us added functionality, and have developed apps for all kinds of devices that tie into to the Plex platform. This week they followed through with a promise that they had made to allow uploads of smartphone cameras built into the Plex system.

They announced the new features on their product blog. Plex added support for Google Chromecast in December of 2013, but the upload feature was not available at that time. The new version does away with that problem, and now anyone can cast media straight from the Plex Android, or iOS app, as well as the Plex website, to any TV equipped with Google’s Chromecast device!

They also included the ability to automatically upload photos from your camera equipped with their app to the user’s Plex local media server.

In the video below you can see a demo of the Plex camera upload feature:

Plex Camera Upload from Plex on Vimeo.