New Apple OS Has Some Compatibility Issues

Apple released a new version of it’s operating system last week. And, in a surprising move, said it will be free from now on! Good for them! But, some compatibility concerns are showing up.

Concerns rise on OS X Mavericks’ Gmail compatibility

ZDNet – “There are a number of new, useful features in Mac Mail, such as improved searching for attachments and a button to delete an unwanted message from a notification banner. Nice. However, if you are using Mail as a client for one or more Google Gmail accounts, there are new issues, some serious.

Worse, for those who have tweaked Mail or Gmail preferences in the past to account for Gmail’s particular message handling, then a blind upgrade to Mavericks may prove problematic.

In a long post at TidBITS, Joe Kissell runs down the issues. The problems for most users will be that Mail takes a significant time to display messages in the Inbox and other mailboxes — here ‘significant’ could be more than a day, even a several days, depending on the number of messages stored. Mail, it appears, is reindexing folders and performing other tasks, but doesn’t tell the user. Depending on user’s Gmail settings, it could be downloading gigabytes of already read messages.

For longtime Mac power users, AppleScripts written for Gmail accounts will likely be broken with this initial move to Mavericks Mail. Some mailboxes will be reported as empty but have messages in them. Ordinary rules are also having problems, according to some reports.”