You Should Be Able To Sell Your Product! Elon Musk and Tesla!

Elon Musk, the owner of Tesla Motors is facing a court battle in New York because there’s a lot of New York based local car dealerships that want to stop him from selling his electric cars through direct sales. Now, I think this is completely crazy and anti-competitive! It does not make a lot of sense to me! If a car company chooses to sell directly to their own customers, then let them! The local dealerships feel like they’re being cut out of the equation, which is a loss to them and their sales…. however, these car dealerships are NOT Tesla dealerships, and they would not have been selling Telsa Motors cars anyway! They are other car dealerships that don’t have anything to do with Tesla! Therefore, it makes no sense that they’re trying to stop a car company that has never sold cars in New York before from selling it’s cars directly to customers! I hope that Tesla Motors will win this particular lawsuit, and we will see if this anti-competitive activity will continue! If Elon Musk, and Tesla Motors want to bring their own dealerships, and showrooms, and other means of sales into any particular state, then they should have the ability to do so, in my opinion!

It was also announced today that Tesla Motors has come out with “quickchange battery stations” for their Tesla cars, that basically would allow you to swap out batteries in your electric car as quickly as it takes to fill the gas tank in your current vehicle. You do have to reuse those batteries… if you leave them then you would lose the value of the battery, and if you have to buy a whole new battery, from the place that does the swapping of batteries then it would cost a lot more than just the energy, obviously! So, they’re working out those particular kinks, but they have an automated robotic “quickchange method” to do it that looks interesting… it’s very similar to a company based out of Israel that had a similar vision; but that company declared bankruptcy and went under because electric cars didn’t catch on, however, Tesla Motors is doing quite well in selling cars, and a much higher rate than the industry thought they would! They’re turning out to be very popular!