Dr. Bill’s “Perfect Linux Mint Build”

Sometime back, I did a post on my perfect Fedora build. It was a step-by-step guide, in geek shorthand, on what to install, and how to set up a highly usable desktop, if you are me. Well, you obviously aren’t me, but you may want some of the same features I do, one geek to another, so to speak! So, since I have decided that Linux Mint is completely “da bomb” and that we should all move to it and tell Microsoft to go jump in a very, very cold lake, so there! ;-)

So, here we go… again, this is geek shorthand guidance, and assumes that you can “read between the lines” and get ‘er done!

My personal “perfect” Linux Mint build:

Download the appropriate (32-bit or 64-bit, depending on your machine) .iso from linuxmint.com

Burn the .iso to a DVD

Boot from the DVD, select Full Install

with the user ID created during install

Install Dropbox from Dropbox.com

Set up background (the official Cool Stylin’ Linux Mint background image) available here: Cool Stylin’ Linux Mint Background Image

Install the Chromium Browser from Software Manager

Install Audacity from Software Manager

Install RecordMyDesktop from Software Manager

Install Easytag from Software Manager

Install VMware View 5 Client from Software Manager

Install Filezilla FTP Client from Software Manager

Install Skype from Software Manager

Install winff from Software Manager

Install ffmpeg from Software Manager

Install wine from Software Manager

Install e-Sword from e-sword.net website (under wine)

Log into your Google account and allow sync to occur in Chromium

Install Lastpass from lastpass.com web site (using Firefox)

Install Lastpass from lastpass.com web site (using Chromium)

Extract install script from file downloaded from lastpass.com web site

sudo ./install_lastpass.sh

Go into both Firefox and Chromium and login to Lastpass to activate it.

Do a Google search for “citrix receiver for linux” and choose “Citrix – Receiver for Linux 12.1”

Choose .deb version

Install motif-clients from Software Manager

Run, and set up options in Citrix Reciever (Connections – New – Click drop-down, setup Login, etc.)

Go to teamviewer.com – download .deb version

Install, set-up and sign-in to Teamviewer

Right-click on apps under menu and click “Add to Desktop” on those I want on desktop.

Enjoy the best desktop known to mankind! Dewd!