Brits Don’t Care Much For Windows 8

Keeping a stiff upper lip, the British vote is in… not so interested in Windows 8! But, they might buy a Windows 8 tablet.

Less than half of British web users want Windows 8

“A new survey of British web users has shown a less than stellar appetite for the new Windows 8 operating system.

Toluna QuickSurveys received 2,000 responses from a broad internet survey of Britons and found that only 13.5 per per cent said they were ‘very likely’ to upgrade to the new Microsoft OS.

25.1 per cent of users said they would be ‘quite likely’ to upgrade to Windows 8. That leaves over 60 per cent of respondents who were either unlikely or very unlikely to upgrade, or just didn’t care either way.

Perhaps more tellingly for the PC industry as a whole, which is banking on Windows 8 to revive its fortunes, almost half of all those surveyed had no intention of buying a new PC in the next year.

Windows 7 still king

The study also asked users of their preferred choice of operating system. 14 per cent of respondents selected Windows 8, while 28 per cent opted for Windows 7.

This is likely down to the continued popularity of Windows 7 among users. Earlier this week we learned that only 1 per cent of PCs are running the new OS almost a month after it went on sale.

However, the report wasn’t all doom and gloom for Microsoft. When asked about tablet purchases, 13 per cent said they’d buy a Windows 8 tablet – the same number who mentioned iOS and Android tablets.”