IE 9 Security Hole Fix

Even as they trumpet how much better, and safer Internet Explorer 9 is, they issue a security fix for a bad security hole. Now do you know why I use Google Chrome exclusively?

Microsoft issues a rebootless ‘Fix’ to the Internet Explorer security weakness

“Yesterday we brought you the news that Microsoft was preparing a one-click solution for Internet Explorer, protecting users from a security flaw that was discovered.

The company adamantly states that few users were in fact harmed, but does acknowledge the potential for further infections. Microsoft has now planned a security update for this Friday that will be ‘cumulative.’

Right now, however, if you want to get yourself protected, Microsoft has you covered:

[T]oday we have released a Fix it that is available to address that issue. This is an easy, one-click solution that will help protect your computer right away. It will not affect your ability to browse the web, and it does not require a reboot of your computer.

If you use Internet Explorer, hit that link. If not, why are you reading this post?

As an aside, fear over Internet Explorer security recently led to Germany advising against its use. Microsoft needs to get this issue behind is so that it can get back to the brand progress it has made since Internet Explorer 9.”