Twitter is Joining the Linux Foundation!

So much of the Web runs on Linux, it only makes sense that Twitter would support Linux!

Twitter Joining the Linux Foundation

“The overwhelming majority of web-based services today rely on Linux. More and more of these companies are joining the Linux Foundation, the ‘nonprofit consortium dedicated to fostering the growth of Linux.’ The Linux Foundation provides a neutral ground for companies and users to discuss and collaborate on Linux’s development, so it makes sense for companies with large Linux footprints to get involved. Linux Foundation members include IBM, Intel, Google, HP, Oracle, and a raft of other names you’ll recognize. Twitter will be joining up next week.

With tens of thousands of Linux servers, Twitter will be joining The Linux Foundation to support its mission of promoting, protecting and advancing Linux. “Linux and its ability to be heavily tweaked is fundamental to our technology infrastructure,” said Chris Aniszczyk, Manager of Open Source, Twitter. ‘By joining The Linux Foundation we can support an organization that is important to us and collaborate with a community that is advancing Linux as fast as we are improving Twitter.’

Aniszczyk will be keynoting at the Linux Foundation’s LinuxCon event next week with a presentation titled ‘The Open Source Technology Behind a Tweet.’ I’ll be there. You should be, too.

Also joining the Linux Foundation are Inktank, a company that provides development and support of the Ceph distributed filesystem, and Servergy, manufacturers of efficient Power Architecture ™-based, enterprise-class Linux machines.”