Apple’s New iPad is HOT! HOT! HOT!

And, not in a good way! Turns out the new iPad runs very hot (temperature-wise!) So, users are complaining, and Apple, as usual, is not happy that they are complaining!

Apple’s Chilly Response to iPad Heat Complaints

“It’s not uncommon for Apple enthusiasts to start finding fault with their new gadget within a couple days of buying the latest and greatest.

In some rare cases — most famously, with the iPhone 4 antenna — Apple may end up acknowledging some validity to the griping.

But for now, at least, that’s not what’s happening when it comes to reports that the new iPad kicks out more heat than its predecessors.
Here’s their statement, via Apple PR’s Trudy Muller:

‘The new iPad delivers a stunning Retina display, A5X chip, support for 4G LTE plus 10 hours of battery life, all while operating well within our thermal specifications. If customers have any concerns they should contact AppleCare.'”