Google Chrome is the Most Secure Browser

Chrome rocks (again!) Fast, safe, and, did I mention, fast? I love Chrome!

Chrome sandboxing makes it the most secure browser, vendor study claims

“A new study by security vendor Accuvant Labs concludes that Google Chrome is more secure than rivals Firefox and Internet Explorer, largely because of Chrome’s sandboxing and plug-in security.

The research was funded by Google, which might make any reasonable person suspicious of its conclusions. Accuvant insists that Google gave it ‘a clear directive to provide readers with an objective understanding of relative browser security’ and that the conclusions in the paper ‘are those of Accuvant Labs, based on our independent data collection.’ Accuvant also made the supporting data available as a separate download so that it can be scrutinized by other researchers.

Accuvant focused only on Chrome, IE and Firefox, leaving out Safari and others for the sake of time. It also tested the browsers only on Windows 7, 32-bit edition. Despite concluding research in July, the paper was just released today. As a result, the report excludes newer versions of Chrome and Firefox, which have more rapid release cycles than Internet Explorer.

But the 102-page report otherwise seems fairly thorough, and Accuvant says it will update the report as the security of each browser evolves, and claims that it already provides a better look at browser security than metrics such as vulnerability report counts and URL blacklists. ‘We believe an analysis of anti-exploitation techniques is the most effective way to compare security between browser vendors,’ the report states. ‘This requires a greater depth of technical expertise than statistical analysis of CVEs, but it provides a more accurate window into the vulnerabilities of each browser.'”