Star Wars MMO Shutting Down in December

The Gamemaster will be bummed… though, actually, I don’t think he played it much… and, apparently neither did other folk!

Star Wars Galaxies Shutting Down In December

“It seems Star Wars Galaxies won’t have to worry about competing with the upcoming BioWare MMO Star Wars: The Old Republic. SOE plans to shut down Galaxies by the end of the year.

Galaxies will end on December 15th. The announcement comes just two days before the MMO celebrates its eighth birthday.

‘Galaxies has been a part of all our lives for so many years that it’s really going to be hard to see it end,’ reads a letter from producer Tony ‘Teesquared’ Tyson. ‘It has meant different things to each of us. For some it’s about combat. For others it’s about socializing, or crafting, or collecting, or decorating, or fishing, or adventuring, or more. For all of us, though, Galaxies is about sharing experiences with our friends.'”