They Are Changing Superman’s Costume!

Dewd! This is just TOO much! First they have Superman renounce his American citizenship, NOW, they are changing his costume! I am severely bummed!

Superman Getting New Costume in ‘Action Comics’ Relaunch

“Superman will go get a new look in the 21st century reboot of ‘Action Comics,’ DC Comics said Friday.

According to the LA Times, the long-running comic series will restart at No. 1 in September , with Scottish writer Grant Morrison and artist Ralph ‘Rags’ Morales at the helm.

One of the most notable changes to the original comics so far is Superman’s costume. Although the Man of Steel still sports a skin-tight blue suit and his iconic red cape on the new cover, he no longer has the added protection of the Speedo-like red trunks he’s worn since the first issue of ‘Action Comics,’ published in June 1938. His belt is also changing color from yellow to red.”