Twitter URL Shortening Tool Released
Twitter now has its very own URL shortening tool. Long time Twitter users get around long URLs by using something like “” address shortening to squeeze in a URL into their tweet. Now, Twitter has its own “built-in” method. You can just embed the long URL in your tweet (which would normally have a 140 character limit,) and Twitter will automatically shorten it to 19 characters. This means that while you’re actually writing a Tweet, it can exceed 140 characters, so long as the excess characters are the result of a long URL. This is obviously not good news for the “”s of the world… but, hey, it makes it easier for Twitter users!
Nothing new. Twitter was doing short URLs automatically around 3 years ago and stopped all of a sudden for some reason I don’t know. They are bringing it back? Wonderful!! :P
Interesting! I wonder why they stopped? Sure will make it easier to tweet for me!