Sony… Hacked Again! Sigh.

Sony can’t catch a break! They were hacked and lost 1 million more user’s info!

Sony hacked again, 1 million user accounts compromised

“The same group that was responsible for hacking into PBS’ site recently to post fake news claiming Tupac Shakur was alive has set its sights on Sony. Lulz Boat said it had broke into the website and compromised the personal information of one million users.

Among the information is name, password, e-mail address, date of birth, and home address. Any other information the user opted to share with Sony is also in the hands of these hackers as well. The hackers were only able to download data on 150,000 of those users, but walked away with admin details and 3.5 million music coupons and 75,000 music codes, it said.

For Sony, it’s only the latest in a series of at least a dozen hacks to various properties over the past two months. The most serious obviously was the hack that took down the PlayStation Network, but smaller hacks have occurred to other Sony properties, including Sony Online Entertainment and Sony Ericsson Canada.

What may be most embarrassing for Sony is again the company has been revealed to have done a poor job with securing data. The hackers said that passwords were stored without any encryption at all — in plain text — making it even easier for them to break into compromised accounts with little trouble.”