Microsoft: Windows 8 is for Consumers, Business, Stick with Windows 7

Microsoft, in their tease of Windows 8, which looks like Windows Phone, is basically telling businesses to stick with Windows 7 for their standard office desktops. Windows 8 is really aimed at tablets, which are expected to “take over” the world anyway. It is a BIG gamble on Microsoft’s part!

I suppose it may be encouraging to Open Source folks that may see it as a chance for Linux to get a bigger share of desktops. However, even Ubuntu is moving away from “standard” types of UIs with it’s new Unity interface. Not that Unity isn’t workable… but, it is more “tile-ly” as well.

And, of course, you have Google moving toward a Cloud oriented OS with Chrome, where essentially, the browser is the OS. Who will “win out?” What is the future of computing? It gets more interesting, that’s for sure!