Google Yanks Infected Android Apps

This is the second time in three months that Google has had to take apps out of the Android Market due to malware infections. Sigh.

Google faces new round of Android malware

“Computerworld – For the second time in three months, Google yanked dozens of malware-infected smartphone apps from the Android Market.

The 34 apps were pulled over the weekend and Tuesday by Google after security researchers notified the company.

Google acknowledged giving some Android apps the heave-ho. ‘We’ve suspended a number of suspicious applications from Android Market and are continuing to investigate them,’ a Google spokeswoman said in an email reply to questions late Tuesday.

As in the March episode, when Google removed more than 50 apps, the newest round consisted of pirated legitimate programs that had been modified with malicious code and then re-released to the Android Market under false names.

But there was an important difference to this campaign, said Kevin Mahaffey, co-founder and CTO of Lookout, a San Francisco firm that specializes in mobile security.

‘These apps have the ability to fire up a page on the Android Market,’ said Mahaffey, adding that the hackers can send commands to the smartphone telling it which Market page to display.

He speculated that the attackers probably intended the new feature as a way to dupe users into downloading additional rogue apps that would have malicious functions, just as a hijacked PC is told to retrieve more malware.”