Need a Microphone for Podcasting/Netcasting? Check Out This One!

CAD u37 USB MicrophoneIf you have been looking for a microphone to use in recording directly to your computer, via your USB port, you have found it! The CAD Model u37 USB Condensor Microphone is amazing! Plug it in, and you are ready to roll! I use it with Audacity (an Open Source Audio recorder) and it works perfectly for audio podcasts! I am saying AWESOME! Check out these features:

  • Large condenser microphone element for warm, rich recordings
  • Cardioid pickup pattern minimizes background noise and isolates the main sound source
  • Smooth, extended frequency response is excellent for singing, speech and instruments
  • -10dB Overload-protection switch minimizes distortion from loud sound sources
  • Bass-reduction switch reduces room noise
  • Side-address design used by broadcast, TV and recording studios
  • 10′ USB cable for flexible mic placement

This is also the microphone I used on my last Video Netcast in conjunction with the Logitech C-910 HD Webcam. I use it primarily for the audio only podcasts I do… it is so clean and clear, and works so well, I wanted to share it with you, because I know I looked for one like this (with these features) for a LONG time! And, it is not that expensive! I have seen it on-line in the under $75.00 range!

Why USB? Because it is entirely separated from your PC’s audio system. You are not depending on, what may be, a poorer quality PC sound card, which could be influenced by hum and noise of the PC system. I have found USB mics, in general, and this mic specifically, are FAR superior in sound quality for PC recording. You WILL have to go into your Audacity “Preferences” and set the “Recording” source as the “USB Audio Device,” but then you are good to go! Seriously, if you are looking for awesome recordings, you won’t believe the difference. I have found, that for me, setting the CAD u37 to reduce sensitivity to be -10 db less (I am VERY loud!) and the IQ to flat, gives an excellent quality and tone in my recordings. Check it out!