Easter Based Email Scam

BunnySpammers are evil. And now they are trying to lure people into clicking on stupid links because of cute bunnies!

Spamvertised Easter Greetings lead to malware

“Security researchers from McAfee Labs are reporting on a currently ongoing event-based social engineering attack, aiming to trick users into clicking on a link found in a malicious email.

The spamvertised emails come using ‘Easter Greeting from Alex’ subjects, and are using an animated image including a ‘Download Animated Greeting Here’ body. Upon clicking on the link, the user is exposed to a password-stealing malware variant of PWS-ZBot.

With Easter only a few days away, cybercriminals are quickly adapting to the event-based social engineering potential presented by the holiday.

Users are advised to avoid interacting with suspicious links and email attachments found in email messages.”