The Celebrations Begin! Linux Turns 20!

LinuxYay! And I was there, on the Internet (no, no World Wide Web at that time) in tyeh Usenet newsgroups when Linus Torvalds posted his description of a Unix-like OS that he was creating! And, I have been involved with Linux ever since! Very cool!

Linux Kicks Off 20th Anniversary Celebrations

“The Linux Foundation on Wednesday kicked off its 20th anniversary celebrations with a video tribute to the story behind the open-source operating system (below) and the promise of more commemorative goings-on for the rest of 2011. ‘Today Linux is literally everywhere: in your phone, at your ATM, in your TV, on your desktop, at the movies, in your car,’ wrote Amanda McPherson on a blog post announcing the celebrations.

The foundation marks the summer of 1991 as the time when ‘Linus Torvalds made a bold decision to share his operating system with the world.’ Torvalds soon licensed that first Linux OS under the General Public License and, according to McPherson, ‘Nothing in computing has been the same since.’

The Linux Foundation will commemorate the 20th anniversary of Linux at the Aug.17-19 LinuxCon in Vancouver, where the winner of the annual Linux Foundation Video Contest will be announced, and at LinuxCon Japan and other events.”