Imagine Firing Up Your Printer, and Printing Yourself a Car!

UrbeeOK, I am not sure if I believe this one. If it was April, I am sure I wouldn’t! This claims to be a car that was made by printing it on 3D printers, then gets 200 mpg highway/ 100 mpg city. Ummmm… you guys wouldn’t be pulling the ol’ Doctor’s leg, would ya?

Meet the Urbee Hybrid, The World’s First 3-D Printed Car

“Hybrid cars usually feature snazzy, high-tech designs, but few can compare with the Urbee — the first car to be manufactured entirely by 3-D printing. Developed by Kor Ecologic and Stratasys, the Urbee was created with an additive manufacturing process, whereby engineers add layers of printed material until finally arriving with a finished product — in this case, a whole car. As Fast Company explains, the car’s entire exterior (including the glass) was created from 3-D prints, with the help of Stratasys’s Dimension 3-D printers and a Fortus 3-D Production System.”

Okaaay! Sounds a little TOO wierd!