Ubuntu Linux to Default to the New Unity Interface

Unity UISo, there has long been a “fuss” among Linux wonks about “KDE?” or “Gnome?” Well, Canonical (makers of Ubuntu) say, “Unity!” The new Unity interface is built on Gnome, but it is different! Interesting choice, Canonical!

Ubuntu drops GNOME in favor of homegrown Unity UI

“The ‘Unity’ user interface that debuted in Ubuntu 10.10’s Netbook Edition will be standard on the next version of the Ubuntu Desktop Edition as well. Ubuntu Desktop 11.04 will replace the Linux distribution’s default GNOME desktop environment in favor of the multitouch-enabled Unity interface, says Ubuntu sponsor Canonical.

Making the announcement at a keynote Oct. 25 at Ubuntu Developer Summit in Orlando, Fla., Mark Shuttleworth, Canonical’s founder, said Ubuntu Desktop 11.04 will swap out the GNOME user interface in favor of the Unity interface that is now available on the Ubuntu Netbook Edition (UNE).
‘We conceived some work a time ago focused on netbooks that we want to bring to desktops,’ Shuttleworth said.

Canonical introduced Unity, the multitouch interface, this month with Ubuntu 10.10 (‘Maverick Meerkat’) UNE. Unity gives users 3D graphics support and better touchscreen enablement. The desktop/laptop version of Ubuntu 10.10 still has the long-standing GNOME 2.2 interface by default.”