The Move is Complete… And I am Tired!

Have you ever planned and worked, and worked and planned to do something, and when you were finished, you almost couldn’t believe that it was complete? Well, that’s where I find myself. I have been hosting my own web sites since way, way, way back in the past… about 1998. And, after all these years I have finally moved my infrastructure to a separate hosting company… I gotta admit, they rock! I moved ALL my sites (78!) And, of course, I had to coordinate, and notify everyone that it was happening. It was a HUGE project! But, it is done, an now I am relaxing a bit. Sigh! Here’s the tally:

Email Accounts – 65
Subdomains – 78
Parked Domains – 4
Addon Domains – 70
FTP Accounts – 3
SQL Databases – 19
Disk Space Usage – 32,738.38 MB

Given that we are now connected to the web via an OC-48 connection (2+ gig) and the fact that Bluehost uses solid state disks for the MySQL databases… plus, of course, good ol’ CentOS Linux… things are “smokin’ fast!” Enjoy the new speed!

One comment

  • Ugh! I don’t envy that. Last year I had to move my sites to a new server on the same host. No real problems, but the amount of planning and the attention to detail required can be mind numbing. I’m glad it was a success for you.