1.1 Million PCs Infected with a Computer Worm in 24 Hours!

Ouch! 1.1 Million in 24 hours! That is one busy little worm!

Researcher: Worm infects 1.1M Windows PCs in 24 hours

“The computer worm, that exploits a months-old Windows bug has infected more than a million PCs in the past 24 hours, a security company said today. Early Wednesday, Helsinki, Finland-based security firm F-Secure Corp. estimated that 3.5 million PCs have been compromised by the ‘Downadup’ worm, an increase of more than 1.1 million since Tuesday. ‘[And] we still consider this to be a conservative estimate,’ said Sean Sullivan, a researcher at F-Secure, in an entry to the company’s Security Lab blog. Yesterday, F-Secure said the worm had infected an estimated 2.4 million machines.”