Epic Fail! Woman Falls for “Nigeria Scam!”

Wow! There are id-jits, and then there are id-jits! Sigh!

Oregon Woman Loses $400,000 to Nigerian E-Mail Scam

“Janella Spears of Sweet Home says she simply became curious when she received an e-mail promising her $20.5 million if she would only help out a long-lost relative identified as J.B. Spears with a little money up front. Spears told KATU-TV about the scammers’ ability to identify her relative by name was persuasive. Spears, who is a nursing administrator and CPR teacher, said she mortgaged the house and took a lien out on the family car, and ran through her husband’s retirement account. ‘The retirement he was dreaming of — cruising and going around and seeing America — is pretty much gone for him right now,’ she said. She estimates it will take two years to clear the debt that accumulated in the more than two years she spent sending money to con artists.'”