IBM: Ten Essential Tricks for Linux Admins

A neat little tutorial from IBM on Linux Admin tricks… I like their sense of humor as well!

Lazy Linux: 10 essential tricks for admins – How to be a more productive Linux systems administrator

“Learn these 10 tricks and you’ll be the most powerful Linux® systems administrator in the universe…well, maybe not the universe, but you will need these tips to play in the big leagues. Learn about SSH tunnels, VNC, password recovery, console spying, and more. Examples accompany each trick, so you can duplicate them on your own systems. The best systems administrators are set apart by their efficiency. And if an efficient systems administrator can do a task in 10 minutes that would take another mortal two hours to complete, then the efficient systems administrator should be rewarded (paid more) because the company is saving time, and time is money, right? The trick is to prove your efficiency to management. While I won’t attempt to cover that trick in this article, I will give you 10 essential gems from the lazy admin’s bag of tricks. These tips will save you time—and even if you don’t get paid more money to be more efficient, you’ll at least have more time to play Halo.”