Yahoo/Microsoft Deal Off the Table!

So we won’t have a “Micro-Hoo” after all… I can’t say that makes me sad!

Microsoft has closed the door, says Yahoo

“A statement issued by Yahoo this afternoon (yesterday) says that all talks with Microsoft over any possible combination of their businesses has effectively concluded, and that it wants to maintain its own search business. One final meeting between both companies’ executives apparently took place on Sunday. ‘At that meeting, Microsoft representatives stated unequivocally that Microsoft is not interested in pursuing an acquisition of all of Yahoo, even at the price range it had previously suggested,’ the statement reads. With that result, Yahoo board members determined that any business deal with Microsoft that would constitute less than a merger, would leave Yahoo without an independent search business that the company says is ‘critical to its strategic future and would not be in the best interests of Yahoo stockholders.’ This flies in the face of rumors circulating as late as an hour ago, stating Yahoo may have been ready to cede its search business or search capability to Google.”

Yahoo and Google are now talking about Yahoo using Google ads on their site to raise revenue. Wow! They must be a’hurtin’… because it would seem that they could do that themselves. But, we will see how that works out!