I Double-Dog Dare You to Go Watch “Expelled!”

Expelled!Here’s a movie teaser for you… what if science, that claims to be open-minded to any hypothesis, black-listed one point of view? Impossible, you say? Watch Ben Stein’s new movie, “Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed” and see it happen before your eyes! Watch the trailer for the movie at the link below:

Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed

“By it’s April 18th national release, EXPELLED producers know that a minimum of 900 US theaters will screen the satirical documentary, making it one of the widest documentary releases in US film history. Film distributor Rocky Mountain Pictures has estimated that 1,000 screens will be booked by opening day.”

Come on, I dare ya!

One comment

  • This looks like a very interesting movie. Although i’m going through a crisis of faith, where I have a hard time believing there’s a god, I am fervently against any kind of censorship. There have also been cases of university profs being fired or gagged for being anti-American when teaching of middle eastern affairs.

    I believe that America is truly one of the greatest countries ever. Little known fact that the czar of Russia after the American revolution was looking at the USA as a model for how he wanted Russia to be, but I digress. The America of Washington is slowly fading into a cloud of political correctness which is fed fear and loathing.

    Great post doc! I’ll definitely go and see this flick.