16 Updates Are In The Pipeline for April’s “Patch Tuesday”

Well, it is time to “secure up” your Microsoft operating systems again… so, prepare to patch and reboot!

16 updates on tap for April Patch Tuesday

“An advance notification regarding Microsoft’s Patch Tuesday promises eight security updates to Windows, Office, and IE vulnerabilities and eight more non-security related updates for Windows Update and Windows Server Update Services. Five of the patches are rated as ‘Critical,’ the highest level of severity given to updates, and most of those patches affect Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008. The remaining three updates are classified as ‘Important.’ These updates may require a restart. There will also be eight high priority but non-security related updates on Windows Update and Windows Server Update Service.”


  • The majority of the patches also appy to NT4, 2000, 2003, and XP. Why do you just call out Vista and 2008?

    Just going for some hype?

  • Nope… just quoting from the article on BetaNews:

    “Five of the patches are rated as ‘Critical,’ the highest level of severity given to updates, and most of those patches affect Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008.”