A Free Tool That Strips Windows Vista Down to Size!

Vista is bloated, it is ugly, and it’s mother dresses it funny! OK, OK, I am being silly… but there is a lot of “buzz” about a new, free program that DOES strip the bloat out of Vista, called vLite! The idea is to take all the Vista “junkware” out and strip it is it’s bare essentials.

Software Tool Strips Windows Vista To Bare Bones

“A free software tool that promises to strip down the Windows Vista operating system — which even some Microsoft (NSDQ: MSFT) officials have called “bloated” — to a minimalist state is attracting big interest on the Internet. vLite, created by developer Dino Nuhagic, automatically removes a number of non-essential Windows Vista components in order to pare the OS’s heavy footprint by half or more. vLite allows users to preselect numerous Vista features for automatic removal prior to installing the OS on their personal computers. Among them: Windows Media Player, Windows Photo Viewer, MSN Installer, Wallpapers, SlideShow, Windows Mail and other utilities. ‘It’s not just about hard disk space. There is also an increase in OS responsiveness and you don’t have to tolerate all kinds of things you don’t use,’ said Nuhagic, in an e-mail to InformationWeek explaining why he launched the project. vLite, however, isn’t for the technically timid. The software warns that the changes it imposes on Vista are ‘permanent, so be sure in your choice.’ Nuhagic said he doesn’t know exactly how many downloads vLite has seen — but a forum that asks users to submit suggestions for the next version has drawn almost 50,000 views. The emergence of tools like vLite reflect the frustrations voiced by many computer users over Vista’s bulk and resource requirements.”