Geek Software of the Week: JW FLV Player!

This week’s GSotW is kinda specialized… BUT, if you are looking for the BEST Flash Video player for your projects, web sites, etc. This one will do it for you!

The Jeroen Wijering FLV Player

Jeroen Wijering wrote this cool player and allows folks to use it for non-commercial purposes… with a 15 euro charge (about $20.00 as of this post) for commercial use. It rocks! Lot’s of features!

“The JW FLV Player (built with Adobe’s Flash) can be used standalone, without the need for the Flash authoring tool. The player allows you to show your videos more controlled and to a broader audience than with Quicktime, Windows Media or Real Media. It supports playback of a single Flash video file, RTMP streams or RSS, XSPF and ATOM playlists (with advertisement possibilities), a wide range of flashvars (settings) for tweaking both behavior and appearance and an extensive, documented javascript/actionscript API.”

There’s even a WordPress plugin designed for it… among many other cool “add-ons!” Check it out!

One comment

  • I’ve been using FLV player to host my video for awhile. Frankly, it was the only one I could get to work.

    I use Riva FLV endcoder to rip FLVs from my MPEGs.

    Works great.