Microsoft Customers Ticked Off Over Daylight Savings Time Woes
“#$!VB@#^%^@!#!!!” That’s roughly what a lot of IT managers are saying about Microsoft this week! Why? Because of the need to run an update program on every desktop, sometimes with user input required (if the user needs to agree to a date in their Outlook calendar being reassigned a time.)
Microsoft Customers Irate over Daylight-Saving Time Woes
“The extension of daylight-saving time by a month in the United States is causing enormous grief for some IT administrators running Microsoft software, as many of the software programs running on their users’ systems need to be individually patched to reflect the change. This year, DST (daylight-saving time) starts on Sunday, March 11—three weeks earlier than usual—and ends a week later than usual on Nov. 4. Microsoft has been warning customers that unless certain updates are applied to their computers, the time zone settings for their system clock may be incorrect during this four-week period. ‘In particular, you must make sure that both your Windows operating system and your calendar programs are updated,’ the company said on its support site.”